Satellite radar altimetry from open ocean to coasts: challenges and perspectives

Vignudelli, Stefano; Snaith, Helen M.; Lyard, Florent; Cipollini, Paolo; Venuti, Fabio; Birol, Florence; Bouffard, Jérôme; Roblou, Laurent.


Satellite radar altimetry from open ocean to coasts: challenges and perspectives.

In: Frouin, Robert J.; Agarwal, Vijay K.; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Nayak, Shailesh; Pan, Delu, (eds.)
Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment.

Bellingham, USA, International Society Optical Engineers, 12pp.

(Proceedings of SPIE, 6406).


Publication year: 
NOC authors: 
Paolo Cipollini
Book section