Webinar on Argo – Revolution and Evolution

Dr Brian King with Argo Float

A recording of a recent webinar on Argo – Revolution and Evolution given by Dr Brian King, a member of the Argo Steering Team based at the National Oceanography Centre, is now available online.

In this webinar, Dr King discusses the Argo array of unmanned profiling ocean sensors which has brought a profound change in our ability to describe physical properties of the ocean and their variability.

The talk summarises how this has been achieved, with some scientific highlights from the last 10 years. New technical capability means Argo is evolving, with geographical extensions into the deep ocean and under ice.

Also a new community of researchers is bringing new sensors with the potential to make widespread measurements of dissolved oxygen and other parameters relevant to understanding ocean biogeochemistry.

The second part of the talk describes this evolution, highlighting the challenges and opportunities, and imagines new data which might be available 10 years from now.

This webinar is one of a series of Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) webinars held each month and can be viewed via the GOOS Webinar link: http://ioc-goos.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=96&Itemid=100198&lang=en