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The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe: the HERMIONE Project

NOC authors: ppew, vkg
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

The next generation: providing inspiration and training for future marine scientists

NOC authors: vkg
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Biodiversity of cold seep ecosystems along the European margins

NOC authors: Douglas Connelly, pat8, hlaev105
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

P-Cable high-resolution seismic

NOC authors: cbe, dgma
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Europe’s Grand Canyon: Nazaré Submarine Canyon

NOC authors: pat8, amaro, Andrew Gooday, Veerle Huvenne, dgma, adcp
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Introduction to the Special Issue: HERMES—Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas

NOC authors: ppew, vkg
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Collaborative ocean resource interoperability - multi-use of ocean data on the semantic web

NOC authors: bt, Jon Campbell, Maureen Pagnani, gxg
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Book section

The use of towed camera platforms in deep-water science

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Brian Bett, Russell Wynn, dgma
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Ocean geo-engineering: science in the spotlight

NOC authors: Edward Hill
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Airflow distortion at anemometer sites on the OWS Polarfront

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Monograph

A New Collision Avoidance System for the Autosub6000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

NOC authors: Maaten Furlong, Steve McPhail, Miles Pebody
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Book section

Taxonomy: three into one will go

NOC authors: rh3r07
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Editorial. Evolution

NOC authors: rh3r07
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Initial turbulent flux results from station Mike

NOC authors: jzp, Robin Pascal, pkt, Ben Moat, Ben Moat
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Conference item

Cold-water coral banks and submarine landslides: a review

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Abrupt transition from magma-starved to magma-rich rifting in the eastern Black Sea

NOC authors: djshill, tmin, rae
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

An estimation of the average lifetime of the latest model of APEX floats

NOC authors: Brian King
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Validation of satellite-based estimates of whitecap coverage: Approaches and initial results

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Robin Pascal, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Conference item

Optimizing σ0 information from the Jason-2 altimeter

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs)

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Analysis of GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps from the UK-DMC satellite over the ocean

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger, sg26g06, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Oceanic whitecap coverage measured during UK-SOLAS cruises

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Margaret Yelland, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Conference item

Escape of methane gas from the seabed along the West Spitsbergen continental margin

NOC authors: ejr, heiko, tmin, rame1, vhh, drhg, ajc1g08, anab, ctb, cbe, aa
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Comments by P. Challenor on Goldstein and Rougier

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

TWODEE-2: a shallow layer model for dense gas dispersion on complex topography

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Sea level extremes in Southern Europe

NOC authors: mnt, agps
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Nitrogen fixation in the western English Channel (NE Atlantic Ocean)

NOC authors: bag
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Sea surface height signals as indicators for oceanic meridional mass transports

NOC authors: Joel Hirschi, jeff, ddc
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Development and mass movement processes of the north-eastern Storegga Slide

NOC authors: dgma, cbe
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Geomorphology and sedimentary features in the Central Portuguese submarine canyons, western Iberian margin

NOC authors: dgma, Russell Wynn, Veerle Huvenne, vhh
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

A new air-sea interaction gridded dataset from ICOADS with uncertainty estimates.

NOC authors: David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Physical exchanges at the air-sea interface: UK-SOLAS Field Measurements

NOC authors: Margaret Yelland, Ben Moat, Robin Pascal, jzp, Meric Srokosz, pkt
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article

Provenance and pathways of late Quaternary turbidites in the deep-water Agadir Basin, northwest African margin

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, dgma, Peter Talling
Publication Year: 2009
Publication type: Article