Marine Facilities Advisory Board

The Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) has the task to develop a medium to long-term holistic strategy for future equipment requirements in Marine Science. This will respond to and reflect our community’s needs and to assess current and future funding.

Suggest new items of equipment for the National Marine Equipment Pool: Autumn 2023 call

Until 2011, the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) marine facilities were overseen by the Marine Facilities Review Group (MFRG), with advice on the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP) being provided by science requirements identified on small and medium sized enterprises forms and discipline-based User Groups. MFRG reviewed the delivery of cruises over the previous year, and took a forward view of equipment requirements for the delivery of future cruises and additions to the NMEP. While this provided a good mechanism for enhancing the NMEP, the remit of the Group was such that developing a strategic view of future equipment requirements was somewhat piecemeal and of short-term nature.

A medium to longer-term holistic approach to future equipment requirements is vital in an environment of burgeoning demands and erratic Government funding opportunity, especially where funding constraints are likely to become even more challenging in the future. Consequently, the processes of cruise review and strategy development has been separated, the latter activity being developed by the Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB; membership listed below).

The role of MFAB includes:

  • Undertaking an audit of marine equipment to establish what is available, what state it is in and how much it has been used in the past 5–10 years. This will not only provide essential information for the current NERC cruise programme, but also help to anticipate the likely requirements for NERC sea-going science delivery in the near to medium future.
  • Identifying new and/or emerging capabilities.
  • Developing a strategy that prioritises the equipment portfolio with regard to emerging and declining requirements.
  • Reporting changes in requirements (actual or predicted) to the NERC Cruise Programme Executive Board to help inform funding decisions.

Current membership of Marine Facilities Advisory Board

Name Organisation Expertise
Baker, Dr Adrian Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Science strategy, planning and management, review of scientific programmes and deliverables
Bayrakci, Dr Gaye National Oceanography Centre Development, use and analysis of data gathered using active source and passive seismo-acoustic instruments
Bialas, Dr Joerg GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Dr Bialas is the international barter partner on the MFAB and has expertise in marine geophysics, instrumentation and geo-acoustical mapping methods
Creach, Dr Veronique CEFAS Tracing sources of carbon in the food web with stable isotopes and determining microphytobenthos biodiversity in estuaries with molecular tools
Hendry, Dr Kate British Antarctic Survey Biogeochemical cycling and past ocean processes, environmental geosciences, climate modelling, vice-chair of the Advances in Marine Biogeochemistry (AMBIO) group
Jones, Dr Stephen University of Birmingham Using seismic streamer acquisition equipment, international marine facilities, including using OBS, airgun and seismic streamer equipment
McGonigle, Dr Chris Ulster University Marine geophysical data, sampling, underwater imagery, acoustic techniques to understand biotic, abiotic resources
Robinson, Professor Carol, (Chair) University of East Anglia Marine bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton, analytical chemistry, remote sensing, gliders, time series datasets
Sliester, Randolph British Antarctic Survey Ship operations manager
Smyth, Dr Tim Plymouth Marine Laboratory Marine biogeochemistry and observations, atmospheric measurements, moorings
Stowasser, Dr Gabriele British Antarctic Survey Marine ecologist, working on trophic relationships in polar marine deep sea and shelf ecosystems
Taylor, Dr Michelle University of Essex Deep-sea benthic ecologist and geneticist
Powney, Dr Natalie Natural Environment Research Council Head of Marine Planning

National Oceanography Centre personnel with an advisory role

Name Job Title and staff profile
Day, Colin Head of Strategic Projects
Darlington, Dr Eleanor Head of Programme Management
Furlong, Dr Maaten Associate Director, National Marine Facilities
Siddorn, Dr John Chief Executive
Oldridge, Helen Head of Scientific Engineering
Phillips, Dr Alex Head of MARS
Pearson, Jackie, (Secretariat) Engagement and Partnerships Officer
Pringle Stewart, Julie Chief Operating Officer

The CLASS Programme Advisory Group (PAG)

The CLASS Programme ‘Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science’ will deliver the knowledge and understanding of the Atlantic Ocean system that society needs to make evidence-based decisions regarding ocean management. The programme aims to address key knowledge gaps in our understanding of ocean variability, climate regulation and ocean services, and to assess how the ocean will evolve as a result of climate change and intensified human exploitation.

CLASS will be delivered through an Atlantic focused science programme, building on sustained ocean observation, world class model development and state of the art technology, delivered through Marine National Capability underpinning activities.

The CLASS Programme Advisory Group (PAG) provides independent advice to support the CLASS Principal Investigator and work package leads in their responsibilities for delivery of the proposed objectives and deliverables as outlined in the CLASS proposal and agreed by NERC.


Name Organisation
Cockburn, Hermione Dynamic Earth
Dye, Stephen CEFAS
Hewitt, Helene Met Office
Liss, Peter University of East Anglia
Marshall, David University of Oxford
Mills, Rachel, (Chair) University of Southampton
Roberts, Murray University of Edinburgh
Sutton, Rowan University of Reading

Latest news



The Marine Facilities Advisory Board advises the National Oceanography Centre on marine facilities and services, including the Natural Environment Research Council’s National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.

MFAB is now seeking a new chair and five new members to join a small team from the UK’s marine science community and the National Marine Facilities, to respond to requirements for the NMEP. These voluntary positions, starting in 2025, offer exciting opportunities to gain experience of working on a technology board, and to learn about the challenges to enhance understanding of the ocean.

Vacancy details

For an informal chat about any of the vacancies, please kindly email secretary to MFAB, Jackie Pearson

Marine Facilities Advisory Board Downloads

Status of Capital Expenditure Proposals August 2024

During the period 2018–2024, the Marine Facilities Advisory Board reviewed 28 proposals, from the community, for new items of equipment for the National Marine Equipment Pool. This table (pdf) shows the status of current proposals. Resubmitted proposals will be considered at the next call. Where funding becomes available, NMF reviews the list of requests and funds those items with the highest scores. Questions about MFAB are welcome to secretary, Jackie Pearson: Details about the next capital expenditure proposal round will be announced in due course.

Contact Points

Review process National Marine Equipment Pool General application enquiries

Professor Carol Robinson

Chair, Marine Facilities Advisory Board

University of East Anglia

Helen Oldridge

Head of Scientific Engineering

National Oceanography Centre

Jackie Pearson

MFAB Secretary

National Oceanography Centre

Policies and Guidance