The NOC delivers its national remit by delivering its own world class research, providing other academic and research centres with the capabilities to undertake marine science, and by using our knowledge and expertise to inform government and policy makers on a broad range of issues of national and international importance.
Key to the delivery of these three components is National Capability (NC) funding. NC is provided by the Natural Environment Research Council part of UK Research and Innovation to enable the UK research community to stay at the forefront of environmental science globally, to meet national strategic needs, and to inform government and business decision-making on environmental issues.
The NOC accesses a range of NC funding which enables marine scientists throughout the UK to undertake world-class research. In order to do this NOC uses NC to deliver:
National Capability
NC Science Single Centre research (NC SSC)
Enabling more ambitious, large-scale science than would be possible via other funding streams
NC Science Multi-Centre research (NC SMC)
Enabling research centres to work closely together to tackle major scientific and societal challenges
NC Official Development Assistance (NC ODA)
Providing science in support of the UK’s international development agenda
NC Services, facilities and data (NC SFD)
Providing specialist services, of which high performance computing, measurement facilities, sample repositories and data centres are examples
NC Large-scale research infrastructure (NC LRI)
Specialist, large research infrastructure that enables excellence and impact in national to global-scale environmental science
NC National Public Good (NC NPG)
Supporting activities that will strengthen national security, resilience, economic growth and societal benefit