UK Marine Science 2019: Challenges for the next decade

Thursday 9 May 2019, London


Presentation TitleSpeaker
The National Oceanography Centre – independence progress updateProfessor Ed Hill, National Oceanography Centre
The future of the NOC AssociationProfessor Peter Liss, University of East Anglia
A marine perspective from DefraDr Thérèse Coffey MP,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment
The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology (MASTS)Dr Mark James, University of St Andrews
An overview of the RAPID programmeDr Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre
UK Marine Research Infrastructure and Strategy – a report from the Marine Facilities Advisory BoardLeigh Storey, National Oceanography Centre
Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science (CLASS) National Capability 2018–2013: Academic EngagementProfessor Angela Hatton, National Oceanography Centre
Introduction to the DecadeAlan Evans, Alternate Head of the UK Delegation at the IOC
The Decade from the UK perspectiveLowri Griffiths, Maritime Policy Unit, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
The Decade from the science perspectiveProfessor Ed Hill, National Oceanography Centre