A resolution giving the go-ahead to implement the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science was adopted Thursday 24 June 2021 by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, the UN body responsible for ocean science and services. It is hoped, the period 2030 will now see intensive…
A recent publication following a workshop led by The Royal Society has announced four key strategic research priorities for the UK, as part an international effort towards the goals of the UN Ocean Decade. The UN Ocean Decade, which is to be held from 2021 to 2030, aims to strengthen the…
The European Marine Board (EMB) has today launched its policy briefing: Sustaining in situ Ocean Observations in the Age of the Digital Ocean which highlights the critical needs and benefits of a fit-for-purpose business and funding model for systematic, sustained ocean observations on National,…
The SEASTAR mission idea, led by The National Oceanography Centre (NOC), has been announced as one of four satellite concepts selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to proceed to the next stage of the Earth Explorer 11 programme. SEASTAR is the only ocean mission to be selected for EE11. Its…
The UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is playing a key role in shaping the global structure and research agenda for the ocean over the next decade.Experts from the NOC have been integral to shaping several action areas officially endorsed by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission…
The National Oceanography Centre’s Chief Executive and other NOC ocean experts at were among contributors to an issue of the journal Environmental Scientist published today (World Oceans Day, 8 June 2021) in fully open access form and dedicated to the Ocean Decade. From marine pollution to the…
Converting Central American tropical forests into agricultural land is changing the colour and composition of natural material washing into nearby rivers, making it less likely to decompose before it reaches the ocean, a new Southampton-led study has shown. The flow of dissolved organic material,…
Three key players involved in the drive to autonomous ship operations have joined forces to create Europe’s first training and development centre, dedicated to supporting maritime’s digital transition. The Royal Navy, SeaBot XR, and the United Kingdom’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) signed on…
The Climate and Environment Ministers of the G7 have agreed on the next steps for tackling critical environmental including ocean issues at a virtual meeting ahead of the leaders’ G7 summit this month. G7 Ministers met on 20–21 May, under the UK Government’s G7 Presidency, in one of a series of…
A new international study has cast doubts on the view that variations in the density of some of the deepest currents of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean are caused by winter surface conditions and represent changes in the strength of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). The study included…
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is pleased to become a partner in the Women in Deep-Sea Research (WIDSR) project, a joint initiative by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and…