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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Effective Eddy Diffusivities Inferred from a Point Release Tracer in an Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model
P-Cable high-resolution seismic
How momentum advection schemes influence current-topography interactions at eddy permitting resolution
An estimation of the average lifetime of the latest model of APEX floats
The quest for the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary west of the Strait of Gibraltar
Initial turbulent flux results from station Mike
Skill assessment via cross-validation and Monte Carlo simulation: an application to Georges Bank plankton models
Radiolaria: Major exporters of organic carbon to the deep ocean
Circulation and transport in the western boundary currents at Cape Farewell, Greenland
Autosub6000: a deep diving long range AUV
AUV design – shape, drag and practical issues
Acquisition and processing of backscatter data for habitat mapping - comparison of multibeam and sidescan systems
RRS James Cook Cruise 27, 05 AUG-03 SEP 2008. Investigating landslide and gravity flow geohazards along the northeast Atlantic continental margin
The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe: the HERMIONE Project
Reliability Case Notes No. 4: Autosub6000 and Autosub3 actuator potentiometer failure analysis and testing report
Abrupt transition from magma-starved to magma-rich rifting in the eastern Black Sea
Biodiversity of cold seep ecosystems along the European margins
Improving the intercalibration of σ0 values for the Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimeters
Taxonomy: three into one will go
Introduction to the Special Issue: HERMES—Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas
Collaborative ocean resource interoperability - multi-use of ocean data on the semantic web
Deep sea habitats - contributing towards completion of a deep sea habitat classification scheme
Exploring beneath the PIG Ice Shelf with the Autosub3 AUV
Ocean geo-engineering: science in the spotlight
Recent changes in the North Atlantic circulation simulated with eddy-permitting and eddy-resolving ocean models
Cold-water coral banks and submarine landslides: a review
Airflow distortion at anemometer sites on the OWS Polarfront
Modelling the ecosystem dynamics at the Iceland-Faeroes Front: biophysical interactions
Air launched platforms - a new approach for underwater vehicles
A New Collision Avoidance System for the Autosub6000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
HERMES: promoting ecosystem-based management and the sustainable use and governance of deep-water resources
High numbers of Trichodesmium and diazotrophic diatoms in the southwest Indian Ocean
Europe’s Grand Canyon: Nazaré Submarine Canyon
Characterisation of the sea surface microlayer - using Langmuir films and ellipsometry
Large changes in the hydrographic structure of the Bay of Biscay after the extreme mixing of winter 2005
Editorial. Evolution
Variability of Subantarctic Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Drake Passage during the Late-Twentieth and Early-Twenty-First Centuries
Optimizing σ0 information from the Jason-2 altimeter
Oceanic whitecap coverage measured during UK-SOLAS cruises
Escape of methane gas from the seabed along the West Spitsbergen continental margin
An integrated kinematic and geochemical model to determine lithospheric extension and mantle temperature from syn-rift volcanic compositions
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs)
Analysis of GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps from the UK-DMC satellite over the ocean
Comments by P. Challenor on Goldstein and Rougier
Nitrogen fixation in the western English Channel (NE Atlantic Ocean)
AutoFlux: an autonomous system for the direct measurement of the air-sea fluxes of CO2, heat and momentum.
Sea surface height signals as indicators for oceanic meridional mass transports
TWODEE-2: a shallow layer model for dense gas dispersion on complex topography
Tropical Pacific climate and its response to global warming in the Kiel climate model.
Sea level extremes in Southern Europe
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