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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
135 years of global ocean warming between the Challenger expedition and the Argo Programme
A multi-method approach for benthic habitat mapping of shallow coastal areas with high-resolution multibeam data
Rediscovery of the elpidiid holothurian Peniagone horrifer (Elasipodida, Holothuroidea: Echinodermata) in the southern Indian Ocean
Assessing the oceanic control on the amplitude of sea surface cooling induced by tropical cyclones
The impact of changes in North Atlantic Gyre distribution on water mass characteristics in the Rockall Trough
Tracking the magmatic evolution of island arc volcanism: Insights from a high-precision Pb isotope record of Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
The Porcupine Abyssal Plain fixed-point sustained observatory (PAP-SO): variations and trends from the Northeast Atlantic fixed-point time-series
Acoustic detection of seabed gas leaks, with application to carbon capture and storage (CCS), and leak prevention for the oil and gas industry: preliminary assessment of use of active and passive acoustic inversion for the quantification of underwater ga
Turbulent nutrient fluxes in the Iceland Basin
RRS James Cook Cruise 62, 24 Jul-29 Aug 2011. Porcupine Abyssal Plain – sustained observatory research
Morphometric analysis of the submarine arc volcano Monowai (Tofua – Kermadec Arc) to decipher tectono-magmatic interactions
Large-scale impacts of submesoscale dynamics on phytoplankton: Local and remote effects
RRS Discovery Cruise 369, 09 Aug -15 Sep 2011. Influence of advection and sedimentation on linking microbial phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (LINK)
CLIVAR's Ocean Observational Activities and Data
A comparison between manganese nodules and cobalt crust economics in a scenario of mutual exclusivity
An estimate of structural uncertainty in QuikSCAT wind vector retrievals
Effects of oil drilling activity on the deep water megabenthos of the Orinoco Fan, Venezuela
Designating networks of chemosynthetic ecosystem reserves in the deep sea
Large-scale mass wasting on the Northwest African continental margin: some general implications for mass wasting on passive continental margins
Hydrothermal vent fields and chemosynthetic biota on the world's deepest seafloor spreading centre
In situ determination of iron(II) in the anoxic zone of the central Baltic Sea using ferene as spectrophotometric reagent
Undrained sediment loading key to long-runout submarine mass movements: evidence from the Caribbean Volcanic Arc
Diagnostics of diapycnal diffusion in z-level ocean models. Part II: 3-Dimensional OGCM
Benthic Foraminiferal Biogeography: Controls on Global Distribution Patterns in Deep-Water Settings
Guest Editorial
Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea and its variability
Evidence for centennial scale sea level variability during the Medieval Climate Optimum (Crusader Period) in Israel, eastern Mediterranean
Diatom resting spore ecology drives enhanced carbon export from a naturally iron-fertilized bloom in the Southern Ocean
Comparison of measurements and models of bed stress, bedforms and suspended sediments under combined currents and waves
Habitat Heterogeneity in the Nazaré Deep-Sea Canyon Offshore Portugal
Infragravity wave source regions determined from ambient noise correlation
Mechanisms of subantarctic mode water upwelling in a hybrid-coordinate global GCM
Possible effects of global environmental changes on Antarctic benthos: a synthesis across five major taxa
Eruptive hummocks: Building blocks of the upper ocean crust
Foraminiferal biodiversity associated with cold-water coral carbonate mounds and open slope of SE Rockall Bank (Irish continental margin—NE Atlantic)
Internal and External Influences on Near-Surface microbial community structure in the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands
Widening the application of AATSR SST data to operational tasks through the Medspiration Service
Simultaneous high speed optical and impedance analysis of single particles with a microfluidic cytometer
Validating SMOS ocean surface salinity in the Atlantic with Argo and operational ocean model data
Variability in the ICES/NAFO region between 1950 and 2009: observations from the ICES Report on Ocean Climate
Water mass pathways and transports over the South Scotia Ridge west of 50°W
Possible early foraminiferans in post-Sturtian (716-635 Ma) cap carbonates
The influence of atmospheric circulation on the dynamics of the intermediate water layer in the eastern part of the St. Anna Trough
Mountain ranges favour vigorous Atlantic meridional overturning
Review of the genus Zygothuria Perrier, 1898 and the Atlantic group of species of the genus Mesothuria Ludwig, 1894 (Synallactidae: Holothuroidea) with description of the new species Mesothuria millerisp. nov.
Global (latitudinal) variation in submarine channel sinuosity
The vertical structure of oceanic Rossby waves: a comparison of high-resolution model data to theoretical vertical structures
Combinations of volcanic-flank and seafloor-sediment failure offshore Montserrat, and their implications for tsunami generation
Evaluation of Arctic sea ice thickness simulated by Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project models
Seasonal and inter-annual variability in alkalinity in Liverpool Bay (53.5° N, 3.5° W) and in major river inputs to the North Sea
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