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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Insights into technical challenges in the field of microplastic pollution through the lens of early career researchers (ECRs) and a proposed pathway forward
Noisy Oceans: Monitoring Seismic and Acoustic Signals in the Marine Environment
Machine-learning-based size estimation of marine particles in holograms recorded by a submersible digital holographic camera
Developing a re-configurable architecture for the remote operation of marine autonomous systems
Environmental Consequences and Management of Coastal Industries; Terms and Concepts
Editorial: Submarine canyons: human connections to the deep sea
A model‐data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: Leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi‐model ensemble
Challenger Society for Marine Science: Increasing Opportunity Through an Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility Working Group
Processes in the surface ocean regulate dissolved organic matter distributions in the deep
Spatio-temporal dynamics of total suspended sediments in the Belize Coastal Lagoon
The link between surface and sub-surface chlorophyll-a in the centre of the Atlantic subtropical gyres: a comparison of observations and models
Observing the full ocean volume using Deep Argo floats
Global Tipping Points 2023 Report: Ch1.4 – Tipping points in ocean and atmosphere circulations.
Viruses under the Antarctic Ice Shelf are active and potentially involved in global nutrient cycles
Volcaniclastic density currents explain widespread and diverse seafloor impacts of the 2022 Hunga Volcano eruption
Mass-change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) expected impact on science and applications
Fair Winds and Following Seas Remotely: Modifying Perceptions of Fieldwork as a Requirement in Marine Science to Aid in Diversifying the Discipline
Global Tipping Points Report 2023: Ch1.2: Cryosphere tipping points.
Delayed-mode reprocessing of in situ sea level data for the Copernicus Marine Service
Impact of mass redistribution on regional sea level changes over the South China Sea shelves
Global methane pledge versus carbon dioxide emission reduction
Global Tipping Points Report 2023: Ch1.5: Climate tipping point interactions and cascades.
Coastal wave overtopping: New Nowcast and monitoring technologies
Seismic characterisation of multiple BSRs in the eastern black sea basin
Disentangling Biological Transformations and Photodegradation Processes from Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in the Global Ocean
Assessing atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections between the eastern and western Mediterranean over the past 8000 years
The influence of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium catenella, on feeding, reproduction and toxin retention in Calanus helgolandicus
Detailed monitoring reveals the nature of submarine turbidity currents
On the influence of the Bay of Bengal’s sea surface temperature gradients on rainfall of the South Asian monsoon
Interpopulation differences and temporal synchrony in rates of adult survival between two seabird colonies that differ in population size and distance to foraging grounds
Earth Explorer 11 Candidate Mission Seastar Report for Assessment - Revealing fast dynamics at ocean margins
Observed mechanisms activating the recent subpolar North Atlantic Warming since 2016
Augmented Neural Lyapunov Control
On the origins of open ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones
A constitution for the ocean? An agora on ocean governance
Towards two decades of Atlantic Ocean mass and heat transports at 26.5° N
Forcing and impact of the Northern Hemisphere continental snow cover in 1979–2014
Oceanic-scale species diversity of living benthic foraminifera: Insights into Neogene diversity, community structure, species duration, and biogeography
Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts
Pen portraits of presidents – Prof. Henry Charnock, CBE, FRS
Red clays indicate sub-aerial exposure of the Rio Grande Rise during the Eocene volcanic episode
Biological–physical interactions are fundamental to understanding and managing coastal dynamics
A new daily quarter degree sea level anomaly product from CryoSat-2 for ocean science and applications
Arctic sea ice, ocean, and climate evolution
Deep ocean particle flux in the Northeast Atlantic over the past 30 years: carbon sequestration is controlled by ecosystem structure in the upper ocean
BioGeoChemical‐Argo floats reveal stark latitudinal gradient in the Southern Ocean deep carbon flux driven by phytoplankton community composition
Marine nutrient subsidies promote biogeochemical hotspots in undisturbed, highly humic estuaries
Carbonate compensation depth drives abyssal biogeography in the northeast Pacific
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation observed by the RAPID-MOCHA-WBTS (RAPID-Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heatflux Array-Western Boundary Time Series) array at 26N from 2004 to 2022 (v2022.1).
Spatial distribution of vertical carbon fluxes on the Agulhas Bank and its possible implication for the benthic nepheloid layer
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