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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Closing the loops on Southern Ocean dynamics: From the circumpolar current to ice shelves and from bottom mixing to surface waves
Large diversity in AMOC internal variability across NEMO-based climate models
Benthic biology influences sedimentation in submarine channel bends: Coupling of biology, sedimentation and flow
A redox switch allows binding of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions in the cyanobacterial iron-binding protein FutA from Prochlorococcus
Absence of the Great Whirl giant ocean vortex abates productivity in the Somali upwelling region
RRS James Cook Expedition 247, 5-22 May 2023, UK, Multidecadal Research at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain - Sustained Observatory
Effect of sampling bias on global estimates of ocean carbon export
RRS James Cook Expedition JC237, 6 AUGUST – 4 SEPTEMBER 2022. CLASS – Climate-linked Atlantic Sector Science Whittard Canyon and Porcupine Abyssal Plain Fixed Point Observatories
A multi-platform guidance, navigation and control system for the autosub family of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Monitoring ecological dynamics on complex hydrothermal structures: A novel photogrammetry approach reveals fine‐scale variability of vent assemblages
On the choice of training data for machine learning of geostrophic mesoscale turbulence
Minimum-entropy velocity estimation from GPS position time series
Improving coral monitoring by reducing variability and bias in cover estimates from seabed images
Parameterizing eddy buoyancy fluxes across prograde shelf/slope fronts using a slope-aware GEOMETRIC closure
The seasonal characteristics of English Channel storminess have changed since the 19th Century
Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review
Historical and future maximum sea surface temperatures
Drivers of Laptev Sea interannual variability in salinity and temperature
Ground control to major tides - Mapping the Earth's surface water levels from above
The UK Storm Surges of 2023
Seasonal variations of sinking velocities in Austral diatom blooms: Lessons learned from COMICS
The Role of Deep Winter Mixing and Wind‐Driven Surface Ekman Transport in Supplying Oceanic Nitrate to a Temperate Shelf Sea
A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1)
The microbial lipid signature in sediments and chimneys within a back-arc basin hydrothermal system south of the Antarctic Polar Front
Microplastics in commercial marine fish species in the UK – A case study in the River Thames and the River Stour (East Anglia) estuaries
Temporal shifts in prokaryotic metabolism in response to organic carbon dynamics in the mesopelagic ocean during an export event in the Southern ocean
Enhanced weathering in the US Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits
Seasonality in carbon flux attenuation explains spatial variability in transfer efficiency
Linear instability and weakly nonlinear effects in eastward dipoles
Quantifying numerical mixing in a tidally forced global eddy-permitting ocean model
Computed Laminography for the study of biogenic structures in sediment cores: A step between two- and three-dimensional imaging
Modelling terrigenous DOC across the north west European Shelf: fate of riverine input and impact on air-sea CO2 fluxes
Evaluation of geomagnetic relative palaeointensity as a chronostratigraphic tool in the Southern Ocean: Refined Plio-/Pleistocene chronology of IODP Site U1533 (Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica)
Standards and Open Access are the ICOS Pillars: Reply to “Comments on ‘The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe’”
New xenophyophores (Foraminifera, Monothalamea) from the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone (equatorial Pacific)
Swirls and scoops: Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf
European summer weather linked to North Atlantic freshwater anomalies in preceding years
Biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases in coastal upwelling systems: Processes and sensitivity to global change
Developing expert scientific consensus on the environmental and societal effects of marine artificial structures prior to decommissioning
Data rescue: discovery and recovery of historic climate observations
Formation and dynamics of a coherent coastal freshwater influenced system
Relationships between high temperatures and Pacific Oyster disease and mortality in southeast Tasmania, Australia
Defining the target population to make marine image-based biological data FAIR
A stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index for fisheries and aquaculture
The role of anthropogenic forcings on historical sea‐level change in the Indo‐Pacific warm pool region
Wind Forcing Controls on Antarctic Bottom Water Export from the Weddell Sea via Bottom Boundary Layer Processes
Waters of Ireland and the UK
Environmental Consequences and Management of Coastal Industries: Terms and Concepts: Volume 3
Measurement of nano molar ammonium with a cyclic olefin copolymer microchip and low-power LED
Workshop on 3D mapping of habitats and biological communities with underwater photogrammetry
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