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The Story of Autosub
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Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Defining the target population to make marine image-based biological data FAIR
RRS James Cook Expedition JC237, 6 AUGUST – 4 SEPTEMBER 2022. CLASS – Climate-linked Atlantic Sector Science Whittard Canyon and Porcupine Abyssal Plain Fixed Point Observatories
A redox switch allows binding of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions in the cyanobacterial iron-binding protein FutA from Prochlorococcus
Developing expert scientific consensus on the environmental and societal effects of marine artificial structures prior to decommissioning
Biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases in coastal upwelling systems: Processes and sensitivity to global change
Benthic biology influences sedimentation in submarine channel bends: Coupling of biology, sedimentation and flow
A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1)
Improving coral monitoring by reducing variability and bias in cover estimates from seabed images
Wind Forcing Controls on Antarctic Bottom Water Export from the Weddell Sea via Bottom Boundary Layer Processes
Waters of Ireland and the UK
Workshop on 3D mapping of habitats and biological communities with underwater photogrammetry
Spatio-temporal dynamics of total suspended sediments in the Belize Coastal Lagoon
Observing the full ocean volume using Deep Argo floats
Coastal wave overtopping: New Nowcast and monitoring technologies
Processes in the surface ocean regulate dissolved organic matter distributions in the deep
Editorial: Submarine canyons: human connections to the deep sea
The World Amphipoda Database: history and progress
Global methane pledge versus carbon dioxide emission reduction
Noisy Oceans: Monitoring Seismic and Acoustic Signals in the Marine Environment
The influence of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium catenella, on feeding, reproduction and toxin retention in Calanus helgolandicus
Seismic characterisation of multiple BSRs in the eastern black sea basin
Multi-habitat carbon stock assessments to inform nature-based solutions for coastal seascapes in arid regions
Informing ocean color inversion products by seeding with ancillary observations
Machine-learning-based size estimation of marine particles in holograms recorded by a submersible digital holographic camera
Disentangling Biological Transformations and Photodegradation Processes from Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in the Global Ocean
Insights into technical challenges in the field of microplastic pollution through the lens of early career researchers (ECRs) and a proposed pathway forward
Volcaniclastic density currents explain widespread and diverse seafloor impacts of the 2022 Hunga Volcano eruption
Outgassing of CO2 dominates in the coastal upwelling off the northwest African coast
Marine CSEM synthetic study to assess the detection of CO2 escape and saturation changes within a submarine chimney connected to a CO2 storage site.
Spatial distribution of vertical carbon fluxes on the Agulhas Bank and its possible implication for the benthic nepheloid layer
Why does the relationship between benthic primary production and lake morphometry vary regionally?
Major fine-scale spatial heterogeneity in accumulation of gelatinous carbon fluxes on the deep seabed
Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport processes in the ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) Field campaign
Fast and destructive density currents created by ocean-entering volcanic eruptions
Seafloor investigations of the Kemp Caldera, the southernmost arc caldera volcano from the South Sandwich Island Arc
Seamount mining test provides evidence of ecological impacts beyond deposition
BioGeoChemical‐Argo floats reveal stark latitudinal gradient in the Southern Ocean deep carbon flux driven by phytoplankton community composition
Socio-oceanography: an opportunity to integrate marine social and natural sciences
Observing Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean
Mesopelagic fishes of the North-West African Upwelling from the Discovery Collections
Deep ocean particle flux in the Northeast Atlantic over the past 30 years: carbon sequestration is controlled by ecosystem structure in the upper ocean
Transport and accumulation of litter in submarine canyons: a geoscience perspective
Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels
The importance of transparent exopolymer particles over ballast in determining both sinking and suspension of small particles during late summer in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Marine nutrient subsidies promote biogeochemical hotspots in undisturbed, highly humic estuaries
Benefit-cost ratios of carbon dioxide removal strategies
Using computer vision to identify limpets from their shells: a case study using four species from the Baja California peninsula
An integrative taxonomic survey of benthic foraminiferal species (Protista, Rhizaria) from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Habitat heterogeneity enhances megafaunal biodiversity at bathymetric elevations in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone
Suspended particles are hotspots of microbial remineralization in the ocean's twilight zone
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Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
Sustained Observations
Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Technology Development
Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
Instruments and Sensors
MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Under the Surface
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
Hosting Events at NOC Southampton
Postgraduate Studies
Doctoral Training Partnerships
Graduate School, NOC Southampton
PhD Opportunities at NOC Liverpool
Undergraduate Studies
Educational Resources
Into the Blue Podcast
Online Learning
What’s On
Coastal Walk – The Crosby Sequence
Create your own Earth Observation poster
Boaty McBoatface
West P&I Science Bursary
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