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The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
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Under the Surface
Media Centre
Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
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Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
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Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
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MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
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Publications by research area
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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Deep-ocean mineral deposits: metal resources and windows into earth processes
Phylogenetic and functional evidence suggests that deep-ocean ecosystems are highly sensitive to environmental change and direct human disturbance
Prokaryotic niche partitioning between suspended and sinking marine particles
High-resolution resistivity imaging of marine gas hydrate structures by combined inversion of CSEM towed and ocean-bottom receiver data
Insights into extinct seafloor massive sulfide mounds at the TAG, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Acute toxicity of organic pesticides to Daphnia magna is unchanged by co-exposure to polystyrene microplastics
How to recognize crescentic bedforms formed by supercritical turbidity currents in the geologic record: Insights from active submarine channels
Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean
New insights on the crustal structure of the eastern black sea basin from long-offset seismic reflection data
Linkages between the Genesis and Resource Potential of Ferromanganese Deposits in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans
Agalma clausi (Bedot, 1888) (Siphonophora: Physonectae)—complementary description with notes on species distribution and ecology
Deep-Sea Mining With No Net Loss of Biodiversity—An Impossible Aim
First record of a Xenophyophore (Rhizaria: Foraminifera) on the Chilean margin
Corrigendum: Deep-Sea Mining With No Net Loss of Biodiversity—An Impossible Aim
Understanding the global scientific value of industry ROV data, to quantify marine ecology and guide offshore decommissioning strategies
Mechanisms for a nutrient-conserving carbon pump in a seasonally stratified, temperate continental shelf sea
Seismic inversion for site characterization: When, where and why should we use it?
High prey-predator size ratios and unselective feeding in copepods: A seasonal comparison of five species with contrasting feeding modes
Assessment of the mineral resource potential of Atlantic Ferromanganese Crusts based on their growth history, microstructure, and texture
Megabenthic assemblages in the continental shelf edge and upper slope of the Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea
Improved phylogenetic resolution within Siphonophora (Cnidaria) with implications for trait evolution
Scratching Beneath the Surface: A Model to Predict the Vertical Distribution of Prochlorococcus Using Remote Sensing
New insights on coral mound development from groundtruthed high-resolution ROV-mounted multibeam imaging
Phospholipids as a component of the oceanic phosphorus cycle
Publisher Correction: Climate change threatens the world’s marine protected areas
Decimetric-resolution stochastic inversion of shallow marine seismic reflection data: dedicated strategy and application to a geohazard case study
A multi-method autonomous assessment of primary productivity and export efficiency in the springtime North Atlantic
Climate change threatens the world’s marine protected areas
Abyssal plain faunal carbon flows remain depressed 26 years after a simulated deep-sea mining disturbance
Metabolic rates are significantly lower in abyssal Holothuroidea than in shallow-water Holothuroidea
Alternative particle formation pathways in the eastern tropical North Pacific's biological carbon pump
Particulate sulfur-containing lipids: Production and cycling from the epipelagic to the abyssopelagic zone
Presence and consequences of coexisting methane gas with hydrate under two phase water-hydrate stability conditions
Predicting cold-water coral distribution in the Cap de Creus Canyon (NW Mediterranean): implications for marine conservation planning
Weathering processes, catchment geology and river management impacts on radiogenic ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) and stable (δ 88/86 Sr) strontium isotope compositions of Canadian boreal rivers
Description of Tottonophyes enigmatica gen. nov., sp. nov. (Hydrozoa, Siphonophora, Calycophorae), with a reappraisal of the function and homology of nectophoral canals
Anthropogenic Signatures of Lead in the Northeast Atlantic
Phenology and time series trends of the dominant seasonal phytoplankton bloom across global scales
Molybdenum isotope behaviour in groundwaters and terrestrial hydrothermal systems, Iceland
Eyes in the sea: Unlocking the mysteries of the ocean using industrial, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
Coccolithovirus facilitation of carbon export in the North Atlantic
A consistent global approach for the morphometric characterization of subaqueous landslides
Seasonal variability of the carbonate system and coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site
A decade of the World Register of Marine Species – General insights and experiences from the Data Management Team: Where are we, what have we learned and how can we continue?
Multibeam sonar backscatter data processing
Copepods Boost the Production but Reduce the Carbon Export Efficiency by Diatoms
Assessing the carbon sequestration potential of basalt using X-ray micro-CT and rock mechanics
A Multidisciplinary approach for generating globally consistent data on Mesophotic, Deep-Pelagic, and Bathyal Biological Communities
The influence of exposure and physiology on microplastic ingestion by the freshwater fish Rutilus rutilus (roach) in the River Thames, UK
Pressure-varying CO 2 distribution affects the ultrasonic velocities of synthetic sandstones
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Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
Sustained Observations
Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Technology Development
Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
Instruments and Sensors
MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Under the Surface
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
Hosting Events at NOC Southampton
Postgraduate Studies
Doctoral Training Partnerships
Graduate School, NOC Southampton
PhD Opportunities at NOC Liverpool
Undergraduate Studies
Educational Resources
Into the Blue Podcast
Online Learning
What’s On
Coastal Walk – The Crosby Sequence
Create your own Earth Observation poster
Boaty McBoatface
West P&I Science Bursary
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