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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Tidal intrusion within a mega delta: an unstructured grid modelling approach
An improved energy management strategy for a hybrid fuel cell/battery passenger vessel
Southern Ocean [in "State of the Climate in 2015"]
Taxonomic composition and distribution of soft-walled monothalamid foraminifera in the area of Zernov’s Phyllophora Field (NW Black Sea)
High export via small particles before the onset of the North Atlantic spring bloom
Sizing optimization of a fuel cell/battery hybrid system for a domestic ferry using a whole ship system simulator
RRS Discovery Cruise DY054, 27 Jul - 17 Aug 2016, Reykjavik to Southampton. OSNAP 2016 mooring refurbishment cruise, Leg 2
The EMSO-ERIC Pan-European Consortium: data benefits and lessons learned as the legal entity forms
Commentary on ‘Coastal Planning Should Be Based on Proven Sea Level Data' by A. Parker and C.D. Ollier (Ocean & Coastal Management, 124, 1–9, 2016)
Cost and value of multidisciplinary fixed-point ocean observatories
A Rossby whistle: a resonant basin mode observed in the Caribbean Sea
Impact of slowdown of Atlantic overturning circulation on heat and freshwater transports
RRS Discovery Cruise DY039, 17 Oct - 01 Dec 2015, Southampton, UK to Nassau, Bahamas. RAPID moorings cruise report
Projected change - North Sea
The measurement of pH in saline and hypersaline media at sub-zero temperatures: characterization of Tris buffers
Diversity, distribution and population size structure of deep Mediterranean gorgonian assemblages (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea)
Recent change - North Sea
Sea level variability and change [in “State of the Climate in 2015”]
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation observed by the RAPID-MOCHA-WBTS (RAPID-Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heatflux Array-Western Boundary Time Series) array at 26N from 2004 to 2015
Design, modelling and simulation of a hybrid fuel cell propulsion system for a domestic ferry
State of the Climate in 2015
A multi-parametric assessment of decontamination protocols for the subglacial Lake Ellsworth probe
A tale of three islands: Downstream natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean
Plankton patchiness investigated using simultaneous nitrate and chlorophyll observations
The relationship between eruptive activity, flank collapse, and sea level at volcanic islands: A long-term (>1 Ma) record offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
Compensation between meridional flow components of the Atlantic MOC at 26°N
An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes
Comparison of image annotation data generated by multiple investigators for benthic ecology
The Whittard Canyon: a case study of submarine canyon processes
Scavenging amphipods of the Angolan deep-sea habitat, with a focus on Abyssorchomene distinctus (Birstein and Vinogradov, 1960) (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea)
Tide and skew surge independence: new insights for flood risk
Seafloor observatories
Meteorologically generated tsunami-like waves in the North Sea on 1/2 July 2015 and 28 May 2008
Air–sea fluxes of CO2 and CH4 from the Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory on the south-west coast of the UK
Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives
Quantification of tsunami-induced flows on a Mediterranean carbonate ramp reveals catastrophic evolution
Relevance of dissolved organic nutrients for the Arctic Ocean nutrient budget
Drivers of exceptionally cold North Atlantic Ocean temperatures and their link to the 2015 European heat wave
A comparison of sea surface temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific Nino regions with results from two early runs of the NEMO 1/12° Ocean Model
Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research
Effects of aligned fractures on the response of velocity and attenuation ratios to water saturation variation: a laboratory study using synthetic sandstones
Landscape mapping at sub-Antarctic South Georgia provides a protocol for underpinning large-scale marine protected areas
Major variations in subtropical North Atlantic heat transport at short (5 day) timescales and their causes
Community structure and diversity of scavenging amphipods from bathyal to hadal depths in three South Pacific Trenches
Deep-sea life of Tanzania
Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction
Fresh water and its role in the Arctic Marine System: sources, disposition, storage, export, and physical and biogeochemical consequences in the Arctic and global oceans
Thermocline bulk shear analysis in the northern North Sea
An inventory of tide prediction machines
Depth-resolved particle associated microbial respiration in the northeast Atlantic
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