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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Damaging sediment density flows triggered by tropical cyclones
The role of microbes in the nutrition of detritivorous invertebrates: a stoichiometric analysis
Variations in the difference between mean sea level measured either side of Cape Hatteras and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation
Isotopic signature of dissolved iron delivered to the Southern Ocean from hydrothermal vents in the East Scotia Sea
Monitoring sea level in the coastal zone with coastal altimetry and tide gauges
Depth control for an over-actuated, hover-capable autonomous underwater vehicle with experimental verification
Role of zooplankton in determining the efficiency of the biological carbon pump
A call for new approaches to quantifying biases in observations of sea-surface temperature
Biological responses to disturbance from simulated deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining
Macrofaunal nematodes of the deep Whittard Canyon (NE Atlantic): assemblage characteristics and comparison with polychaetes
Development of a multi-scheme energy management strategy for a hybrid fuel cell driven passenger ship
Submarine deposits from pumiceous pyroclastic density currents traveling over water: an outstanding example from offshore Montserrat (IODP 340)
Tropospheric delays in ground-based GNSS Multipath Reflectometry – experimental evidence from coastal sites
Simulating pathways of subsurface oil in the Faroe–Shetland Channel using an ocean general circulation model
Large-scale forcing of the European Slope Current and associated inflows to the North Sea
Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries
Differences between mean tide level and mean sea level
Large microplastic particles in sediments of tributaries of the River Thames, UK – abundance, sources and methods for effective quantification
Controls on the distribution of rare earth elements in deep-sea sediments in the North Atlantic Ocean
Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: a new international ocean observing system
ICOADS Release 3.0: a major update to the historical marine climate record
Variability of hydrological extreme events in East Asia and their dynamical control: a comparison between observations and two high-resolution global climate models
Summer microbial community composition governed by upper-ocean stratification and nutrient availability in northern Marguerite Bay, Antarctica
Lacustrine turbidites produced by surficial slope sediment remobilization: A mechanism for continuous and sensitive turbidite paleoseismic records
Tracking, feather moult and stable isotopes reveal foraging behaviour of a critically endangered seabird during the non-breeding season
Observations of fauna attending wood and bone deployments from two seamounts on the Southwest Indian Ridge
Understanding the power requirements of autonomous underwater systems, Part I: An analytical model for optimum swimming speeds and cost of transport
On the future navigability of Arctic sea routes: high-resolution projections of the Arctic Ocean and sea ice
Assessing the health of the in situ global surface marine climate observing system
A probabilistic approach to ship voyage reconstruction in ICOADS
An introduction to the physical oceanography of six seamounts in the southwest Indian Ocean
Circulation, stratification and seamounts in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Drivers of interannual variability in virioplankton abundance at the coastal Western Antarctic Peninsula and the potential effects of climate change
Investigating read performance of python and NetCDF when using HPC parallel filesystems
Capturing and sharing our collective expertise on climate data: The CHARMe Project
Solubility of aerosol trace elements: Sources and deposition fluxes in the Canary Region
NERC Vocabulary Server version 2.0
Perspectives in visual imaging for marine biology and ecology: from acquisition to understanding
A 133-year record of climate change and variability from Sheffield, England
Greenland blocking index 1851–2015: a regional climate change signal
Research priorities in support of ocean monitoring and forecasting at the Met Office
Developing European operational oceanography for Blue Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and ecosystem-based management
Interaction between the tidal and seasonal variability of the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf Region
A post-Paris look at climate observations
Downscaling ocean conditions with application to the Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf and adjacent deep ocean
Forereef and backreef corals exhibit different responses to anthropogenic stressors in Belize
Intrareef variations in Li/Mg and Sr/Ca sea surface temperature proxies in the Caribbean reef-building coral Siderastrea siderea
Phytoplankton stimulation in frontal regions of Benguela Upwelling filaments by internal factors
The size-distribution of Earth’s lakes
Exploiting coastal altimetry to improve the surface circulation scheme over the central Mediterranean Sea
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