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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
DC-UK: deep-sea conservation for the UK
The worms that came out of the cold
An Appraisal of the Surface Geology and Sedimentary Processes within SEA7, the UK Continental Shelf
Latitude versus local effects on echinoderm assemblages along the Victoria Land coast, Ross Sea, Antarctica
Recovery of a subtidal soft-sediment macroinvertebrate assemblage following experimentally induced effects of a harmful algal bloom
Modelling and measuring waves in coastal waters
Long-term effects of a toxic algal bloom on subtidal soft-sediment macroinvertebrate communities in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand
Monitoring changes in coastal bathymetry using ground based radar
Nested Radar Systems for Remote Coastal Observations
Tidal dynamics in channels: single channels
Topographical torques in wind-driven basin and channel models
Geophysical Oceanography? a new tool to understand the thermal structure and dynamics of oceans
Decontaminating tide gauge records for the influence of glacial isostatic adjustment: The potential impact of 3-D Earth structure
The 26 December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami recorded on the coast of west Africa
Performance of a second-order moments advection scheme in an Ocean General Circulation Model
In memoriam. [Dr Christian Le Provost]
Hydrographic variations along the sloping western and eastern boundaries of the Atlantic: observations, theory and a monitoring array
An energy-diagnostics intercomparison of coupled ice-ocean Arctic models
Surface currents and waves in Liverpool Bay
Solibore induced slope mixing in the Faroe-Shetland Channel
Dynamical controls on estuarine bathymetry: assessment against UK database
A coupled coastal polynya-atmopsheric boundary layer model
Towards improved real-time forecast modelling for the NW European shelf seas
The relation of meridional pressure gradients to North Atlantic deep water volume transport in an ocean general circulation model
Could elevated atmospheric pCO2 levels reduce the strength of the biological carbon pump?
Effect of topography and mixing parameterisation upon the circulation in cold water domes
Reanalysis of ancient eclipse, astronomic and geodetic data: A possible route to resolving the enigma of global sea-level rise
Imaging the time dependence of water boundaries in the Faroe-Shetland Channel
Some indications of the socio-economic benefits of improved marine-monitoring instrumentation
Metadata guides for smarties
Laboratory investigation of bedform dynamics and resuspension of sandy sediments at field scale
Recent developments in physical oceanographic modelling: Part III
The morphodynamics and internal structure of intertidal fine-gravel dunes: Hills Flats, Severn Estuary, UK
An assessment of the fine-scale eddies in a high-resolution model of the shelf seas west of Great Britain
Comparison of in situ bottom pressure data with GRACE gravimetry in the Crozet-Kerguelen region
Tidal dynamics in channels: 2. Complex channel networks
New typologies for estuarine morphology
The relationships between tropical Atlantic sea level variability and major climate indices
Variation in the abundance of sandeels Ammodytes marinus off southeast Scotland: an evaluation of area-closure fisheries management and stock abundance assessment methodS
Is there evidence for sunspot forcing of climate at multi-year and decadal periods?
Error Analysis of Weekly Station Coordinates in the DORIS Network
Tidal stirring and its impact on water column stability and property distributions in a semi-enclosed shelf sea (Seto Inland Sea, Japan)
Does the marine biosphere mix the ocean?
Influence of stratification and topography upon internal wave spectra in the region of sills
Isotopic composition and concentration of Pb in suspended particulate matter of the Irish Sea reveals distribution and sources
The Liverpool Bay Coastal Observatory towards the goals
Propagation of signals in basin-scale ocean bottom pressure from a barotropic model
Editorial (From the issue entitled "Special Issue in honour and in memory of Christian Le Provost - Modelling, observing, and forecasting sea level, ocean tides and ocean circulation: reviews and recent progress")
Scattering of barotropic Rossby waves by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Error quantification of a high resolution coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem coastal-ocean model: Part 3, validation with Continuous Plankton Recorder data
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