The Story of Autosub

Science Museum Exhibition – The Science Museum, London

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A year after the new Wellcome Wing at the Science Museum, London had opened, the Autosub programme was part of a major exhibition surrounding robot submarines. On display were: a model of Autosub 2 suspended from the ceiling, an ARGO profiling float, interactive Autosub displays on computer screens, and images from the recent Oban mission.

On 10 July 2000, the Steering Committee met in London and were taken to view the exhibition. Members present were Sir Anthony Laughton (chair), Peter Betzer, Roger Scrivens, Mike Webb, Mark Brandon and Harry Leach, with Steve Hall and Gwyn Griffiths.

Autosub-2 in a display at the Science Museum, London.

Autosub-2 in a display at the Science Museum, London.

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