The UK’s leading climate science organisations are joining forces to develop a new national alliance focused on climate solutions for society. Seven Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) supported centres and the Met Office will work together as the new UK National Climate Science Partnership (UKNCSP) to respond to threats posed by a rapidly…

A project to develop ocean-going robotic vehicles that will carry out sustained marine research over long periods has awarded contracts to five leading-edge technology companies under the Government-backed Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI).
The SBRI competition has awarded the five three-month, first-phase contracts to assess the viability…

The location of an underwater volcanic vent, marked by a low-lying plume of shimmering water, has been revealed by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.
Writing in the journal PLOS ONE the researchers describe how the vent, discovered in a remote region of the Southern Ocean, differs from what we have come to recognise as ‘…

Microscopic ocean algae called coccolithophores are providing clues about the impact of climate change both now and many millions of years ago. The study found that their response to environmental change varies between species, in terms of how quickly they grow.
Coccolithophores, a type of plankton, are not only widespread in the modern ocean but…