
Deep sedimentation of acantharian cysts – a reproductive strategy?

Acantharian cyst (Patrick Martin SOES/NOCS)

Spore-like reproductive cysts of enigmatic organisms called acantharians rapidly sink from surface waters to the deep ocean in certain regions, according to new research.

Scientists suspect that this is part of an extraordinary reproductive strategy, which allows juveniles to exploit a seasonal food bonanza.

Wind speed and the air-sea exchange of climatically important gases

The exchange of gases between the oceans and the atmosphere has an important influence on climate

Scientists have discovered that, in moderate conditions, the release of dimethyl sulphide (DMS), from the ocean surface increases linearly with wind speed

Echinoderms contribute to global carbon sink

Echinoderms such as brittle stars bury significant amounts of carbon at the seabed when they die and decay (credit: SERPENT Project)

The impact on levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere by the decaying remains of a group of marine creatures that includes starfish and sea urchin has been significantly underestimated, conclude scientists.