Publications by research area | National Oceanography Centre
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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Molecular and morphological diversity of monothalamous foraminifera from South Georgia and the Falkland Islands: Description of four new species
An ice‐ocean model study of the mid‐2000s regime change in the Barents Sea
Drivers of rainfall trends in and around Mainland Southeast Asia
Contrasting projections of the ENSO-driven CO2 flux variability in the equatorial Pacific under high-warming scenario
Effect of tides on the Indonesian seas circulation and their role on the volume, heat and salt transports of the Indonesian throughflow
The biological carbon pump in CMIP6 models: 21st century trends and uncertainties
Chaotic variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at subannual time scales
Shallow katabatic flow on a non-uniformly cooled slope
Modelling submerged biofouled microplastics and their vertical trajectories
Designing a large scale autonomous observing network: A set theory approach
Weakening and warming of the European slope current since the late 1990s attributed to basin-scale density changes
Use of our future seas: Relevance of spatial and temporal scale for physical and biological indicators
Interactions between the stratospheric polar vortex and Atlantic circulation on seasonal to multi-decadal timescales
Antarctic sea ice over the past 130 000 years, Part 1: A review of what proxy records tell us
The water mass transformation framework and variability in hurricane activity
Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Physical oceanography
Anthropogenic mixing in seasonally stratified shelf seas by offshore wind farm infrastructure
Biological carbon pump sequestration efficiency in the North Atlantic: A leaky or a long‐term sink?
Subpolar Atlantic Ocean mixed layer heat content variability is increasingly driven by an active ocean
Impact of granular behaviour of fragmented sea ice on marginal ice zone dynamics
Next-generation regional ocean projections for living marine resource management in a changing climate
Impacts of Arctic sea ice on cold season atmospheric variability and trends estimated from observations and a multi-model large ensemble
Demographic profiles and environmental drivers of variation relate to individual breeding state in a long-lived trans-oceanic migratory seabird, the Manx shearwater
Uncertainties in shoreline projections to 2100 at Truc Vert Beach (France): Role of sea‐level rise and equilibrium model assumptions
Role of air–sea fluxes and ocean surface density in the production of deep waters in the eastern subpolar gyre of the North Atlantic
Mechanistic modeling of marsh seedling establishment provides a positive outlook for coastal wetland restoration under global climate change
Bayesian network modelling provides spatial and temporal understanding of ecosystem dynamics within shallow shelf seas
Western boundary circulation and coastal sea-level variability in Northern Hemisphere oceans
Exploring viscosity space in an eddy‐permitting global ocean model: Is viscosity a useful control for numerical mixing?
The effect of vertical coordinates on the accuracy of a shelf sea model
Evaluating the physical and biogeochemical state of the global ocean component of UKESM1 in CMIP6 historical simulations
Evaluation of ocean dimethylsulfide concentration and emission in CMIP6 models
Mechanisms for late 20th and early 21st century decadal AMOC variability
Environmental heterogeneity promotes individual specialisation in habitat selection in a widely distributed seabird
On the low western Pacific sea levels observed prior to strong East Pacific El Niños
Is computational oceanography coming of age?
Ocean carbon cycle feedbacks in CMIP6 models: contributions from different basins
Predicting droughts and floods: why we’re studying 19th-century ocean records
Lateral redistribution of heat and salt in the Nordic Seas
Deep mixed ocean volume in the Labrador Sea in highresMIP models
Regional asymmetries in ocean heat and carbon storage due to dynamic redistribution in climate model projections
The sensitivity of Southeast Pacific heat content to changes in ocean structure
Assessing the long-term physical-biogeochemical interactions in the North Indian Ocean using a coupled relocatable model
Relative vs. absolute wind stress in a circumpolar model of the Southern Ocean.
A daily to seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasting AI
Ocean heat transport’s response to future climate projections
Med-BGC MIP: A Mediterranean biogeochemical models comparison
Using Satellite Altimeter and SST Observations of the 1997-1998 El Nino to check the key ocean processes involved in a strong El Nino
Why does Western Indian Ocean circulation connectivity matter?
The annual cycle of upper-ocean potential vorticity and its relationship to submesoscale instabilities
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Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
Sustained Observations
Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Technology Development
Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
Instruments and Sensors
MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Under the Surface
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
Hosting Events at NOC Southampton
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Doctoral Training Partnerships
Graduate School, NOC Southampton
PhD Opportunities at NOC Liverpool
Undergraduate Studies
Educational Resources
Into the Blue Podcast
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What’s On
Coastal Walk – The Crosby Sequence
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West P&I Science Bursary
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