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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
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Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Optimal pulses for enhanced interferometer sensitivity and contrast
Developing a transportable ultra-cold atomic rotation sensor
Comments on the Paper “Is the sea level stable at Aden, Yemen?” by Albert Parker and Clifford D. Ollier in Earth Systems and Environment (Volume 1, December 2017)
Assessment of bacterial dependence on marine primary production along a northern latitudinal gradient
On the seasonal cycles observed at the continental slope of the Eastern Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean
AUV Abyss workflow: autonomous deep sea exploration for ocean research
Sea hazards on offshore structures: waves, currents, tides and sea ice combined
Deployment of a persistent underwater acoustic sensor network: The CommsNet17 Experience
Wind-driven cross-shelf exchange-west spitsbergen current as a source of heat and salt for the adjacent shelf in arctic winters
A review of the influence of marine habitat classification schemes on mapping studies: inherent assumptions, influence on end products, and suggestions for future developments
CHIMNEY (James Cook 152) multibeam bathymetry (MB710) data from Scanner Pockmark, North Sea
The sedimentology of river confluences
Complex and Cascading Triggering of Submarine Landslides and Turbidity Currents at Volcanic Islands Revealed From Integration of High-Resolution Onshore and Offshore Surveys
Assessing the altimetric measurement from CYGNSS data
SAR mode altimetry observations of internal solitary waves in the tropical ocean: a method of detection
Zooplankton seasonality across a latitudinal gradient in the Northeast Atlantic Shelves Province
Estimating the composition of gas hydrate using 3D seismic data from Penghu Canyon, offshore Taiwan
Relocatable tide prediction and storm surge forecasting
Multiscale observations of deep convection in the northwestern mediterranean sea during winter 2012-2013 using multiple platforms
Localisation using undersea wireless networks
A demonstration of time-lapse imaging using ultra-high-frequency seismic reflection data
Low Cost GNSS Tide & Sea Level Measurements for Intertidal public safety (LoCTIPS)
An integrated approach providing scientific and policy-relevant insights for South-West Bangladesh
On the Timing and Nature of the Multiple Phases of Slope Instability on Eastern Rockall Bank, Northeast Atlantic
Bandwidth efficient concurrent localisation and communication in underwater acoustic networks
Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging Using a Stationary Platform in the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse Hydrothermal Field
Autonomous trajectory design system for mapping of unknown sea-floors using a team of AUVs
A novel technique for nearshore morphological monitoring using marine radar: initial deployment and preliminary survey results
Characterizing, modelling and understanding the climate variability of the deep water formation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea
LION observatory data
The application of X-Band Radar for characterization of nearshore dynamics on a mixed sand and gravel beach
UKCP18 marine report
Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap
Structure and Transport of the North Atlantic Current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre From Sustained Glider Observations
Chaotic multigrid methods for the solution of elliptic equations
Improved estimates of water cycle change from ocean salinity: the key role of ocean warming
Microbiota: the living foundation
The cold transit of Southern Ocean upwelling
Low Cost GNSS Tide & Sea Level Measurements - LoCTIPS
High‐frequency variability of small‐particle carbon export flux in the Northeast Atlantic
Topographic eddies
Wave Ripple Development on Mixed Clay‐Sand Substrates: Effects of Clay Winnowing and Armoring
Isotopic composition of sinking particles: Oil effects, recovery and baselines in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010–2015
Uncertainty in estuarine extreme water level predictions due to surge-tide interaction
Integrated geochemical and morphological data provide insights into the genesis of ferromanganese nodules
Future Wave Conditions of Europe, in Response to High-End Climate Change Scenarios
Seabed mapping in the Pelagie Islands marine protected area (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean) using Remote Sensing Object Based Image Analysis (RSOBIA)
A mini‐corer for precision sampling of the water‐sediment interface in subglacial lakes and other remote aqueous environments
Potential Mitigation and Restoration Actions in Ecosystems Impacted by Seabed Mining
Gulf Stream variability in the context of quasi-decadal and multidecadal Atlantic climate variability
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