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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Ocean feature detection using altimetry backscatter: the Gulf Stream
Submarine landslides around the Canary Islands
Temporal patterns among meiofauna and macrofauna taxa related to changes in sediment geochemistry at an abyssal NE Atlantic site
Introduction to special section: World Ocean Circulation Experiment: Southern Ocean results
Organic matter assimilation and selective feeding by holothurians in the deep sea: some observations and comments
Total organic carbon distribution and budget through the Strait of Gibraltar in April 1998
Physical, chemical and biological properties of the subtropical oceanic rings of magnitude (STORM) in the eastern North Atlantic: significance for the carbon budget of the euphotic layer (presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, San Fran. CA, 10-14 Dec 2001)
Comments on an article entitled 'Are we seeing human-induced warming of the deep layers in the north subtropical Atlantic?' by A.B. Polensky
Diagnosis of vertical velocities with the QG Omega equation: a relocation method to obtain pseudo-synoptic data sets
Controls on the organic chemical composition of settling particles in the northeast Atlantic Ocean
Evidence for episodic recruitment in a small opheliid polychaete species from the abyssal NE Atlantic
Volcanic/tectonic characteristics of first and second order segments and ridge discontinuities under the hot-spot influence TOBI imagery from the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) adjacent to the Rodriguez system
Deep-sea, high-resolution, hydrography and current measurements using an autonomous underwater vehicle: the overflow from the Strait of Sicily
The effects of resolution and viscosity in an isopycnic-coordinate model of the equatorial Pacific
Letter to Nature. Evolution of magma-poor continental margins from rifting to seafloor spreading
Retrievable cages open up new era in deep-sea vent research
The dependence of sea surface roughness on the height and steepness of the waves
Biogeography and ecological setting of Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents
Book review - Mapping the deep: the extraordinary story of ocean science, by Robert Kunzig (2000) Sort of Books
High-resolution geochemical and micropalaeontological profiling of the most recent eastern Mediterranean sapropel
A comparison of ECMWF, NCEP-NCAR, and SOC surface heat fluxes with moored buoy measurements in the subduction region of the Northeast Atlantic
Impact of large-scale natural physical disturbance on the diversity of deep-sea North Atlantic nematodes
The CLIVAR - Pacific workshop
Distribution, composition and flux of particulate material over the European margin at 47°–50°N
Provenance of Proterozoic garnet-biotite gneiss recovered from Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean
Volcanism and hydrothermal venting of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: evolution of explosive seamount volcanism: evidence from 37 degrees N on the mid-atlantic ridge
CONVEX-91: water masses and circulation of the northeast Atlantic subpolar gyre
Fertilization success in the commercial gastropod Haliotis tuberculata
The BENGAL programme: introduction and overview
Global fields of sea surface dimethylsulfide predicted from chlorophyll, nutrients and light
Book review: Numerical models of oceans and oceanic processes. By L.H. Kantha & C.A. Clayson. Academic, 2000. 940 pp. ISBN 0124340687. $129.95
Forcing of the Mediterranean Sea by atmospheric oscillations over the North Atlantic
Passage of debris flows and turbidity currents through a topographic constriction: seafloor erosion and deflection of flow pathways
The 1755 Lisbon disaster: earthquake, tsunami and turbidity currents
Comparison of in situ and laboratory acoustic measurements on Lough Hyne marine sediments
Comments on 'On the effect of ocean waves on the kinetic energy balance and consequences for the inertial dissipation technique'. (Reply by Janssen: Ibid, 31(8 Pt 2), 2537-2544.)
Countdown to the final issue of the WOCE global data
The evaluation of salinity measurements from PALACE floats
Fluxes of phytopigments and labile organic matter to the deep ocean in the NE Atlantic Ocean
A diagenetic model discriminating denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in a temperate estuarine sediment
The benthic silica cycle in the northeast Atlantic: annual mass balance, seasonality, and importance of non-steady-state processes for the early diagenesis of biogenic opal in deep-sea sediments
The foraminiferan macrofauna from three North Carolina (USA) slope sites with contrasting carbon flux: a comparison with the metazoan macrofauna
Chromosomal and nuclear characteristics of deep-sea hydrothermal-vent organisms: correlates of increased growth rate
Formation of submarine canyons on the flanks of the Canary Islands
Passage of debris flows and turbidity currents through a topographic constriction: seafloor erosion and deflections of flow pathways
238U-230Th constraints on mantle upwelling and plume-ridge interaction along the Reykjanes Ridge
Circulation pathways and transports of the Southern Ocean in the vicinity of the Southwest Indian Ridge
Indian Ocean Rossby waves observed in TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and in model simulations
A coordinated programme for global calibration/validation of altimeter sea state data
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