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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
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Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Letter to Nature. Low-light-adapted Prochlorococcus species possess specific antennae for each photosystem
Polygonal fault systems on the mid-Norwegian margin: a long term source for fluid flow
AUVs: designing and operating next generation vehicles
A comparison of simultaneous measurements from shipboard VM-150 and OS-75 acoustic Doppler current profilers
In situ investigation of burst swimming and muscle performance in the deep-sea fish Antimora rostrata (Gunther, 1878)
Selective feeding by benthic foraminifera on phytodetritus on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf: evidence from fatty acid biomarker analysis
Transport and variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage
An investigation of avoidance by Antarctic krill of RRS James Clark Ross using the Autosub-2 autonomous underwater vehicle
On the reliability of the Autosub autonomous underwater vehicle
Canary Islands landslides and tsunami generation
The role of free gas in the activation of submarine slides in Finneidfjord
Multisensor monitoring of plume dynamics in the north-western Mediterranean
The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on sea level in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea derived from satellite altimetry
Variability of Mediterranean and Black Sea sea level and its forcing
The role of diatoms in regulating the ocean's silicon cycle
A holographic system for subsea recording and analysis of plankton and other marine particles (HOLOMAR)
Long extra-tropical planetary wave propagation in the presence of slowly varying mean flow and bottom topography. II: ray propagation and comparison with observations
An introduction to the benthic ecology of the Faroe-Shetland Channel (SEA4)
Finding the true temperature of the ocean surface
Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) - a new UK programme (abstract of poster to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
A global analysis of the diurnal sea surface temperature cycle (abstract of paper to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
Life on "Discovery" forty years ago
Observations of seasonal exchange through the Straits of Hormuz and the inferred heat and freshwater budgets of the Persian Gulf
Seafloor sediments and sedimentary processes on the outer continental shelf, continental slope and basin floor
Improving merchant ship air temperatures using an analytical model of the heating errors
Retroflection or retro-fiction - whither the East Madagascar Current? (abstract of poster to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
New and export production deduced from the annual cycle of dissolved organic matter in the Irminger Basin (abstract to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
On the role of biological dynamics in plankton patchiness at the mesoscale: an example from the north east Atlantic (abstract of poster to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
Seasonality and selectivity in the feeding ecology and reproductive biology of deep-sea bathyal holothurians
A full ocean depth UV-spectrophotometer for nitrate measurements
Sea surface roughness: high winds and short fetches
Internal tides and mixing in the Indian Ocean (abstract of paper to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
Hydrothermal plume processes in the Indian Ocean (abstract of paper to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on sea-level variability in the North Atlantic region
Particle export in the North Atlantic: an integrated attack using production rates, tracres and a novel drifting sediment trap (abstract of paper to be presented at: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 26-30 January 2004, Portland, Oregon)
Is long-term change in the abyssal Northeast Atlantic driven by qualitative changes in export flux? Evidence from selective feeding in deep-sea holothurians
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 143, 22 Nov-20 Dec 2002. SCHEHEREZADE II: Geological and biological surveys of the Arabian Sea and the continental slope of Oman
Water and sediment movement around a coastal headland: Portland Bill, southern UK
The maiden voyage of UK ROV "Isis"
Monitoring the eastern Alboran Sea using combined altimetry and in situ data
Mechanisms of heat, freshwater, oxygen and nutrient transports and budgets at 24.5°N in the subtropical North Atlantic
Monsoon dredging - the Carlsberg Ridge reveals all
Temperature and salinity trends in the upper waters of the Mediterranean Sea as determined from the MEDATLAS dataset
Predictability of decadal variations in the thermohaline circulation climate
Satellite observations of the Agulhas Current system
Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the late Nineteenth Century
On the role of biological dynamics in plankton patchiness at the mesoscale: an example from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
The preservation potential of benthic foraminiferal assemblages at three deep-sea sites in the northeast Atlantic
Rossby waves: synergy in action
Magmatism at the west Iberia non-volcanic rifted continental margin: evidence from analyses of magnetic anomalies
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