Dr Eleanor Frajka-Williams is a Science Leader in the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate group.
She is currently the principal investigator of the European Research Council Starting Grant Fellowship TERIFIC (Targeted Experiment to Reconcile Increased Freshwater with Increased Convection, https://noc.ac.uk/projects/terific, EU-funded) and the RAPID 26°N project. She is also co-investigator on BLT Recipes (Bottom boundary Layer Turbulence and Abyssal Recipes, NERC- and NSF-funded), DeCAdeS (Drivers of Oceanic Change in the Amundsen Sea, NERC-funded), and DEFIANT and ReBELS (NERC-funded).
I am a physical oceanographer who uses ocean observations to investigate ocean dynamics and circulation in a changing climate. I have a particular interest in problems spanning scales (from micro- to large-scale) or spheres (biogeosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere), and in methods that leverage traditional observations with new platforms and satellite data.
Professional Experience:
Principal Research Scientist in Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, National Oceanography Centre (2018 - present)
Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography,Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton (2016 - 2018)
Visiting Scientist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2016)
Lecturer in Physical Oceanography, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton (2012 - 2016)
Senior Research Fellow, National Oceanography Centre, (2009 - 2012)
PhD Physical Oceanography, University of Washington, USA (2009)
MSc Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, USA (2009)
MSc Oceanography, University of Washington, USA (2005)
AB Applied Mathematics, Harvard University, USA (2002)