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Chief Scientific Officer
penny.holliday at



Penny is a physical oceanographer and her research has focused on the circulation and variability of the subpolar North Atlantic, and the role of the ocean in our changing climate. She has participated in 21 seagoing expeditions, several as Chief Scientist. Penny is Interim Director of Data, Science and Technology and Chief Scientist at the NOC. Prior to this appointment Penny was Head of the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate group at the NOC. She is the UK principal investigator for an international programme researching the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation strength, variability and mechanisms (OSNAP). She holds the role of Principal Investigator for CLASS, a world-leading UK Atlantic science programme supporting national and global strategic needs. 

Penny joined the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory in 1990, initially working as a project manager for a global, multi-national research programme (World Ocean Circulation Experiment, WOCE), and later combining that role with her research. She received her PhD from Liverpool University in 2002, and worked part-time at the NOC from 2003 to 2016, before returning to full-time.

Penny was awarded the title of Honorary Professorial Fellow (Research) by the University of Southampton in June 2019, and was recipient of the Society of Underwater Technology's Oceanography Award in December 2019..

ORCID 0000-0002-9733-8002

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