First comprehensive checklist of life in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone compiled Over 90% of species in one of the most likely future mining sites are undescribed by science The paper How many metazoan species live in the world’s largest mineral exploration region? is published in Current Biology In…
NOC’s Into the Blue podcast has been awarded the prestigious Babcock First Sea Lord’s Award for Best Use of Digital Media at the Maritime Media Awards 2022. Since 1995, the Maritime Media Awards has honoured journalists, authors, filmmakers, digital creators and others whose work in the media has…
This August TREC comes to the NOC Southampton to gather biological samples and environmental data along the coastline. We've got several exciting events happening that you can participate in, from family workshops to evening pub talks! Visit us and join in Wednesday 16 August: We invite you to…
Alliances between science, industry, society and policy are essential to reduce the scourge of plastic pollution Experts are calling on the United Nation’s Environment Programme to demonstrate leadership and collaboration between these communities Read the full comment in Nature Communications…
.clip-img { margin: -160px 0 -100px 0; } The amount of seafloor mapped has risen to 24.9%.The global effort behind mapping the world’s entire ocean floor before the end of the decade is being spearheaded by Seabed 2030.The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), part of NOC acts as the Global…
In our latest Annual Report and Financial Statements we share the great success stories as the UK’s leading marine research charity, building a world where everyone feels empowered and inspired to help the Ocean thrive. Prof Ed Hill Chief Executive said, “Our latest report clearly demonstrates…
The Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (SMMR) programme is addressing critical marine research gaps. These gaps span a variety of disciplines, from natural capital to ocean literacy and systems-based management. SMMR is working to break down barriers between science and policy and…
The UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has partnered with Ploughshare to enhance the commercial activity of NOC’s trading subsidiary NOC Innovations. NOC Innovations has signed a 5-year agreement that will see Ploughshare provide technology transfer services to NOC. This partnership will see…
Last week the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) hosted a visit from Science Minister George Freeman, as part of a wider tour of the Solent region.Organised by the Solent LEP, the Minister led a roundtable discussion with local businesses and organisations on maritime innovation and decarbonisation…
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr John Siddorn as Chief Scientist and Director of Data, Science & Technology (DST) to succeed Prof Angela Hatton who will be leaving in July to take up a new opportunity. John commented, “I am so excited to be…
Offshore oil well drilling impacting deep-sea habitats are photographed in real-time. Impacted sponges have been photographed potentially partially recovering from sedimentation over 40 days. Partnering with industry allows us to make real-time observations to better understand impacts. The…
Storm patterns have been moving towards the poles since the 1990s increasing the number of storms and storm force winds Wave height from these storms have decreased over the last 30 years in the North of the UK and increased in the South Continued high rates of damaging emissions could increase…