This January scientists from a range of disciplines will come together to undertake the first ever coordinated sampling of the major rivers in Great Britain to look for soil derived organic carbon. This carbon is a large element of our ‘natural capital’ – in fact it is so large that restoring some…
Research from the NOC and the University of Southampton have provided robust evidence that wet regions of the earth are getting wetter and dry regions are getting drier, but it is happening at a slower rate than previously thought. The study, published in Scientific Reports, analysed the…
Scientists at the NOC and the University of Southampton have found that the majority of instances of coastal flooding around the United Kingdom in the last 100 years have been due to moderate storm events combined with high spring tides, rather than extreme storms. Researchers have undertaken one…
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has developed the first ever global wind speed products based on reflected GPS signals, using data from the UK TechDemoSat-1 satellite. This demonstrates the potential of this technique to improve sampling of ocean surface winds, as well as improve weather…
Professor Angela Hatton has today begun her new role as Director of Science & Technology at the National Oceanography Centre. On her appointment, Professor Angela Hatton said, “These are interesting and exciting times for the NOC; addressing globally significant challenges, driving forward…