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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change
Response of the ocean natural carbon storage to projected twenty-first-century climate change
Strong sensitivity of Southern Ocean carbon uptake and nutrient cycling to wind stirring
Surface warming hiatus caused by increased heat uptake across multiple ocean basins
A continuous 55-million-year record of transient mantle plume activity beneath Iceland
Chemical weathering processes in the Great Artesian Basin: Evidence from lithium and silicon isotopes
Supercritical and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits - a synthesis
Modelling acoustic scattering by suspended flocculating sediments
Field deployments of a self-contained subsea platform for acoustic monitoringof the environment around Marine Renewable Energy structures. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, November 4-6, 2014
Corrigendum to: Sévellec, F., J. J.-M. Hirschi, and A. T. Blaker, 2013: On the near-inertial resonance of the Atlantic meriodional overturning circulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2661–2672, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-092.1.
The Rossby radius in the Arctic Ocean
FLow and Benthic ECology 4D – FLOWBEC – an overview
Influence of upper ocean stratification interannual variability on tropical cyclones
Marine renewable energy
Towards worldwide height unification using ocean information
A century of sea level data and the UK's 2013/14 storm surges: an assessment of extremes and clustering using the Newlyn tide gauge record
Construction of volcanic records from marine sediment cores: A review and case study (Montserrat, West Indies)
The regulation of copper stress response genes in the Polychaete Nereis diversicolor during prolonged extreme copper contamination
Observations and modeling of slow-sinking particles in the twilight zone
Anomalous electrical resistivity anisotropy in clean reservoir sandstones
Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Membranes of a Seasonally Migrating Marine Copepod
Observations of a diapycnal shortcut to adiabatic upwelling of Antarctic Circumpolar Deep Water
A mixed life-cycle stage bloom of Syracosphaera bannockii (Borsetti and Cati, 1976) Cros et al. 2000 (Bay of Biscay, April 2010)
Mean sea level variability in the North Sea: Processes and implications
Physics of Rocks for Hydrocarbon Exploration: Introduction
Full-depth temperature trends in the Northeastern Atlantic through the early 21st century
Impact of Weddell Sea deep convection on natural and anthropogenic carbon in a climate model
Introduction to the BASIN Special Issue: State of art, past present a view to the future
Marine radar derived current vector mapping at a planned commercial tidal stream turbine array in the Pentland Firth
Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014
The use of gliders for oceanographic science: the data processing gap
On sea level change in the North Sea influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation: Local and remote steric effects
The GLOSS Delayed Mode Data Centre and the GLOSS implementation Plan 2012
Thermal impact from a thermoelectric power plant on a tropical coastal lagoon
The NOW regional coupled model: Application to the tropical Indian Ocean climate and tropical cyclone activity
A storm in a shelf sea: Variation in phosphorus distribution and organic matter stoichiometry
Cessation of deep convection in the open Southern Ocean under anthropogenic climate change
Pore fluid viscosity effects on P- and S-wave anisotropy in synthetic silica-cemented sandstone with aligned fractures
Vertical anomaly clusters: Evidence for vertical gas migration across multilayered sealing sequences
Carbonate counter pump stimulated by natural iron fertilization in the Polar Frontal Zone
Sea-level variability over five glacial cycles
The imprint of Southern Ocean overturning on seasonal water mass variability in Drake Passage
Where is mineral ballast important for surface export of particulate organic carbon in the ocean?
Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth, U.K.
The ability of a barotropic model to simulate sea level extremes of meteorological origin in the Mediterranean Sea, including those caused by explosive cyclones
Biogeochemical implications of comparative growth rates of Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus species
The Application of Optical Coherence Tomography to Image Subsurface Tissue Structure of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba
Using the FLOWBEC seabed frame to understand underwater interactions between diving seabirds, prey, hydrodynamics and tidal and wave energy structures
Erratum to: Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation [ibid, 64(4), 587-609, April 2014]
Seasonal variability of the warm Atlantic Water layer in the vicinity of the Greenland shelf break
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