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Under the Surface
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Big Science for Big Challenges
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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Autonomous Vehicles
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MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
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Publications by research area
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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
The spatial variability of vertical velocity in an Iceland basin eddy dipole
Comparable light stimulation of organic nutrient uptake by SAR11 and Prochlorococcus in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
The submerged paleolandscape of the Maltese Islands: Morphology, evolution and relation to Quaternary environmental change
Species-specific growth response of coccolithophores to Palaeocene–Eocene environmental change
Bacterial biodiversity in deep-sea sediments from two regions of contrasting surface water productivity near the Crozet Islands, Southern Ocean
Efficient upscaling of ocean biogeochemistry
Whirlwind Recovery SERPENT report
Flow cytometric identification of Mamiellales clade II in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
Timing and emplacement dynamics of newly recognised mass flow deposits at ~8–12ka offshore Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat: How submarine stratigraphy can complement subaerial eruption histories
Genetic Diversity and Environmental Preferences of Monothalamous Foraminifers Revealed through Clone Analysis of Environmental Small-Subunit Ribosomal DNA Sequences
Crustal manifestations of a hot transient pulse at 60°N beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Characterisation of iron binding ligands in seawater by reverse titration
A review of the measurement and modelling of dinoflagellate bioluminescence
Zafarani SERPENT report
Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom
Timing, origin and emplacement dynamics of mass flows offshore of SE Montserrat in the last 110 ka: implications for landslide and tsunami hazards, eruption history, and volcanic island evolution
2012 Cushman Award to Khadyzhat M. Saidova
Insights into the emplacement dynamics of volcanic landslides from high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
Hypoxic meiobenthic communities of the Istanbul Strait’s (Bosporus) outlet area of the Black Sea
Deglacial history of glacial lake Windermere, UK; implications for the central British and Irish Ice Sheet
RRS Discovery Cruise 381, 28 Aug - 03 Oct 2012. Ocean Surface Mixing, Ocean Submesoscale Interaction Study (OSMOSIS)
Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Silicic Magmas in the Intra-Oceanic Kermadec Arc
Patterns, processes and vulnerability of Southern Ocean benthos - a decadal leap in knowledge and understanding
Response of two marine bacterial isolates to high CO
2 concentration
Marine substratum map of the Causeway Coast, Northern Ireland
Marine substratum and biotope maps of the Maidens/Klondyke bedrock outcrops, Northern Ireland
Population Structure and Reproduction of Pseudione elongata africana (Bopyridae, Isopoda)
Viral lysis and microzooplankton grazing of phytoplankton throughout the Southern Ocean
Regional variation in lytic and lysogenic viral infection in the Southern Ocean and its contribution to biogeochemical cycling
A global diatom database – abundance, biovolume and biomass in the world ocean
Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates
End of century ocean warming and acidification effects on reproductive success in a temperate marine copepod
Resource quality affects carbon cycling in deep-sea sediments
Resource quantity affects benthic microbial community structure and growth efficiency in a temperate intertidal mudflat
Limited latitudinal mantle plume motion for the Louisville hotspot
Factors controlling interannual variability of vertical organic matter export and phytoplankton bloom dynamics – a numerical case-study for the NW Mediterranean Sea
Grain-size distribution of volcaniclastic rocks 1: A new technique based on functional stereology
Marine monitoring of offshore CC Storage – Challenges and Solutions
HyBIS: a new concept in versatile, 6000-m rated robotic underwater vehicles
Luminescence and Marine Plankton (LAMP)Final Report, National Oceanography Centre, Research and Consultancy Report No. 22
Marine monitoring of offshore CC Storage – Challenges and Solutions
Operational Biogeochemistry for Submariners (OBS) Year 1 status report
Development of monitoring techniques for potential seepage of CO2 from sub-seafloor storage sites: Field studies at Sleipner, North Sea
Geophysical investigations of the methane reservoir and gas escape mechanisms on the west Svalbard margin
Report on the environmental status of the Darwin Mounds, 8 years after their initial protection. HERMIONE Deliverable 4.11.
Seafloor geology and geophysics research is a strategic necessity for the UK
A record influx of Balearic Shearwaters off Devon and Cornwall
Applications of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-slope and Base-of-slope Systems: Case studies from seafloor and near-seafloor analogues. Introduction
The relative contribution of fast and slow sinking particles to ocean carbon export
Regional and habitat maps/atlas of selected NE Atlantic canyons, including spatial variability of present-day sedimentation rates and interpretation of key sites. HERMIONE Deliverable 2.11
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Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
Sustained Observations
Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Technology Development
Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
Instruments and Sensors
MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Under the Surface
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
Hosting Events at NOC Southampton
Postgraduate Studies
Doctoral Training Partnerships
Graduate School, NOC Southampton
PhD Opportunities at NOC Liverpool
Undergraduate Studies
Educational Resources
Into the Blue Podcast
Online Learning
What’s On
Coastal Walk – The Crosby Sequence
Create your own Earth Observation poster
Boaty McBoatface
West P&I Science Bursary
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