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Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Temperature-induced changes in the relevance of viral lysis and microzooplankton grazing of Antarctic phytoplankton indicates future alterations in seasonal carbon flow
Detachment‐fault structure beneath the TAG Hydrothermal Field, Mid‐Atlantic Ridge, revealed from dense wide‐angle seismic data
BBNJ Agreement: Considerations for scientists and commercial end users of MGR at research, development and commercialization stages
Interactive effects of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems
Buoyancy flux and mixing efficiency from direct, near-bottom turbulence measurements in a submarine canyon
A global dataset of nitrogen fixation rates across inland and coastal waters
Marked variability in distance-decay patterns suggests contrasting dispersal ability in abyssal taxa
A first look at xenophyophores (Rhizaria, Foraminifera) in the lower bathyal Bering Sea and abyssal areas adjacent to the Aleutian Trench
Environmental management using a digital twin
The Pleistocene Witch Ground Ice Stream in the central North Sea
RAPID: real-time automated plankton identification dashboard using Edge AI at sea
Dynamics of near‐bottom currents in cold‐water coral and sponge areas at Valdivia Bank and Ewing Seamount, southeast Atlantic
Assessing the impact of sewage and wastewater on antimicrobial resistance in nearshore Antarctic biofilms and sediments
A new species of Erinaceusyllis (Annelida: Syllidae) discovered at a wood-fall in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton zone, central Pacific ocean
Diel vertical migration rates of the dinoflagellate species Margalefidinium polykrikoides in a lower Chesapeake Bay tributary
The diversity, frequency and severity of natural hazard impacts on subsea telecommunications networks
DNA barcoding of monothalamid foraminifera from Vestnesa and Svyatogor Ridge, Arctic Ocean, including the description of 3 new species
Inefficient transfer of diatoms through the subpolar Southern Ocean twilight zone
Active and passive organic carbon fluxes during a bloom in the Southern Ocean (South Georgia)
Future directions for deep ocean climate science and evidence-based decision making
Tidal flooding contributes to eutrophication: Constraining nonpoint source inputs to an urban estuary using a data-driven statistical model
Fine-scale variability in habitat selection and niche differentiation between sponges and cold-water corals on vertical walls of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone
Heterogeneity of nitrogen fixation in the mesopelagic zone of the South China Sea
Seabed seismographs reveal duration and structure of longest runout sediment flows on earth
Source detection and tracking for underwater distributed acoustic sensing
Deep-sea drilling of the 13°30′ N oceanic core complex: Assessing links between fluid flow, metal enrichment and seafloor massive sulfide deposit formation near Semenov-1
Discrimination of microplastics and phytoplankton using impedance cytometry
Can intense storms affect sinking particle dynamics after the North Atlantic spring bloom?
Distribution of two notodendrodid foraminiferal congeners in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: an example of extreme regional endemism?
Tiny comets under the sea
Ocean Species Discoveries 1–12 — A primer for accelerating marine invertebrate taxonomy
Ice sheet‐albedo feedback estimated from most recent deglaciation
Laboratory measurements of water saturation effects on the acoustic velocity and attenuation of sand packs in the 1–20 kHz frequency range
The World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) through the looking glass: insights from the data management team in light of the crystal anniversary of WoRMS
Optical fibre sensing of turbulent-frequency motions in the oceanic environment
Nitrogen fixation in the North Atlantic supported by Gulf Stream eddy-borne diazotrophs
A threshold in submarine channel curvature explains erosion rate and type
Size distribution of aggregates across different aquatic systems around Japan shows that stronger aggregates are formed under turbulence
Monopile-induced turbulence and sediment redistribution form visible wakes in offshore wind farms
Time-lapse surveys reveal patterns and processes of erosion by exceptionally powerful turbidity currents that flush submarine canyons: A case study of the Congo Canyon
Isopycnal eddy stirring dominates thermohaline mixing in the upper subpolar North Atlantic
The 2019 pumice raft forming eruption of Volcano-F (Volcano 0403–091) and implications for hazards posed by submerged calderas
Decoding drivers of carbon flux attenuation in the oceanic biological pump
First geological survey and characterisation of a giant depression in carbonate strata at the Rio Grande Rise (southwestern Atlantic)
A modeling framework of atmospheric CO2 in the Mediterranean Marseille coastal city area, France
Unconfined gravity current interactions with orthogonal topography: Implications for combined‐flow processes and the depositional record
Operationalizing climate risk in a global warming hotspot
Biogeography and phylogeny of the scavenging amphipod genus Valettietta (Amphipoda: Alicelloidea), with descriptions of two new species from the abyssal Pacific Ocean
A global ocean opal ballasting–silicate relationship
Globally significant mass of terrestrial organic carbon efficiently transported by canyon-flushing turbidity currents
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Big Science for Big Challenges
Research Expeditions
Sustained Observations
Our Science Research Areas
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Technology Development
Autonomous Vehicles
Electronics, Software and Communications
Instruments and Sensors
MARS Facility Virtual Tour
Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Archive
Autosub Development
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Development
Deep-Ocean Lander Development
The Story of Autosub
Under the Surface
Marine Geohazards
Marine Heatwaves
In the Twilight Zone
Plastics in the Ocean
Monsters of the Deep
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Actions for the Ocean Decade
Data and Research Facilities
Research Ships
National Marine Equipment Pool
Coastal and Shelf Seas Instrumentation Services
Laboratories, Workshops and Testing Facilities
National Oceanographic Library
Hosting Events at NOC Southampton
Postgraduate Studies
Doctoral Training Partnerships
Graduate School, NOC Southampton
PhD Opportunities at NOC Liverpool
Undergraduate Studies
Educational Resources
Into the Blue Podcast
Online Learning
What’s On
Coastal Walk – The Crosby Sequence
Create your own Earth Observation poster
Boaty McBoatface
West P&I Science Bursary
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