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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Measurements of nitrogen fixation in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre using a free-drifting submersible incubation device
The Canary Basin contribution to the seasonal cycle of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26°N
Measurement of wind profiles by motion-stabilised ship-borne Doppler lidar
The contiguous domains of Arctic Ocean advection: Trails of life and death
Kara Sea freshwater transport through Vilkitsky Strait: Variability, forcing, and further pathways toward the western Arctic Ocean from a model and observations
Sea level rise projections for northern Europe under RCP8.5
Future Developments and Innovations in High-Resolution Core Scanning
Arctic mass, freshwater and heat fluxes: methods and modelled seasonal variability
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation observed by the RAPID-MOCHA-WBTS (RAPID-Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heatflux Array-Western Boundary Time Series) array at 26N from 2004 to 2014
Impacts of storm chronology on the morphological changes of the Formby beach and dune system, UK
X-Ray Core Scanners as an Environmental Forensics Tool: A Case Study of Polluted Harbour Sediment (Augusta Bay, Sicily)
What causes large submarine landslides on low gradient (<2°) continental slopes with slow (~0.15m/ky) sediment accumulation?
Oxygen minimum zones in the tropical Pacific across CMIP5 models: mean state differences and climate change trends
Modelling the combined impacts of climate change and direct anthropogenic drivers on the ecosystem of the northwest European continental shelf
Use of calibrated ITRAX XRF data in determining geochemistry and provenance in Agadir Basin, Northwest African Passive Margin
Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf)
Modelling coastal erosion and sediment transport on the Dungeness Foreland, UK
Sandscaping for mitigating coastal flood and erosion risk to energy infrastructure on gravel shorelines: Dungeness flood risk assessment
Comparison of storm cluster vs isolated event impacts on beach/dune morphodynamics
Reliability Case Notes No. 10. Board of Inquiry: Circumstances surrounding the stranding of the AutoNaut ‘Gordon’ on the Plymouth coast on 7th November 2014.
Atlantic water flow into the Arctic Ocean through the St. Anna Trough in the northern Kara Sea
Towards passive station holding of autonomous underwater vehicles inspired by fish behaviour in unsteady flows
Supercritical-flow structures on a Late Carboniferous delta front: Sedimentologic and paleoclimatic significance
Fe-XANES analyses of Reykjanes Ridge basalts: implications for oceanic crust’s role in the solid Earth oxygen cycle
Effects of mesoscale eddies in the active mixed layer: test of the parametrisation in eddy resolving simulations
An observational assessment of the influence of mesoscale and submesoscale heterogeneity on ocean biogeochemical reactions
Seeking the sun in deep, dark places: mesopelagic sightings of ocean sunfishes (Molidae)
Coastal observatories for monitoring of fish behaviour and their responses to environmental changes
Application of flood risk modelling in a web-based geospatial decision support tool for coastal adaptation to climate change
Parameter Optimisation for the ITRAX Core Scanner
Assessment of the physical disturbance of the northern European Continental shelf seabed by waves and currents
Shelf-slope exchanges and particle dispersion in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea): A numerical study
The influence of ocean variations on the climate of Ireland
Identification, Correlation and Origin of Multistage Landslide Events in Volcaniclastic Turbidites in the Moroccan Turbidite System
An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation during 1958–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations
Motion-correlated flow distortion and wave-induced biases in air–sea flux measurements from ships
Micro-XRF studies of sediment cores: a perspective on capability and application in the environmental sciences
RRS Discovery Cruise DY031, 28 May - 18 Jun 2015, Southampton to Liverpool. The 40th Anniversary Extended Ellett Line
A new look at ocean carbon remineralization for estimating deepwater sequestration
Intrinsic variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at interannual-to-multidecadal time scales
The metabolic response of marine copepods to environmental warming and ocean acidification in the absence of food
Reliability Case Notes No. 8. Risk and reliability analysis of Autosub 6000 autonomous underwater vehicle
Carlsberg Ridge and Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Comparison of slow spreading centre analogues
Multidecadal variability of potential temperature, salinity, and transport in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic
Source regions and reflection of infragravity waves offshore of U.S.'s Pacific Northwest
Water saturation effects on P-wave anisotropy in synthetic sandstone with aligned fractures
The Eugen Seibold coral mounds offshore western Morocco: oceanographic and bathymetric boundary conditions of a newly discovered cold-water coral province
ItraxPlot: An Intuitive Flexible Program for Rapidly Visualising Itrax Data
Fluxes and fate of dissolved methane released at the seafloor at the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone offshore western Svalbard
Accumulation of conservative substances in a sub-tropical coastal lagoon
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