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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
'Ferry Boxes' and data stations for improved monitoring and resolution of eutrophication related processes: application in Southampton water UK, a temperate latitude hypernutrified estuary
The Sicilian gateway: anatomy of the deep-water connection between East and West Mediterranean basins
Multi-sensor satellite monitoring of ocean climate
The Sula Reef Complex, Norwegian Shelf
Water constituents in the north-western Black Sea from optical remote sensing and In situ data
Acoustic Propagation in Waterlogged Wood
Temporal patterns of biological dimethylsulfide (DMS) consumption during laboratory-induced phytoplankton bloom cycles
The estimation of geoacoustic properties from broadband acoustic data, focusing on instantaneous frequency techniques
Frequency dependence of acoustic waves in marine sediments
Tracing water masses with particle trajectories in an isopycnic-coordinate model of the global ocean
Physical controls on biogeochemical zonation in the Southern Ocean
Towards unravelling the enigma of vent mussel reproduction on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, or when ATOS met CagesNF 0
A quasi-synoptic view of the frontal circulation in the Crozet Basin during the Antares-4 cruise
Records of radionuclide deposition in two salt marshes in the United Kingdom with contrasting redox and accumulation conditions
Transformation of dimethylsulphoniopropionate to dimethyl sulphide during summer in the North Sea with an examination of key processes via a modelling approach
Seafloor imagery from the BIG'95 debris flow, western Mediterranean
The use of AVHRR data in a pilot study for investigating and modelling regional ocean circulation
Selective feeding by benthic foraminifera on labile phytodetritus on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf (500m water depth): evidence from fatty acid biomarker analysis
Wind stress forcing of the ocean in the SOC climatology: comparisons with the NCEP-NCAR, ECMWF, UWM/COADS, and Hellerman and Rosenstein datasets
A Subtropical Oceanic Ring of Magnitude (STORM) in the eastern North Atlantic: physical, chemical and biological properties
The tracer signature of Antarctic bottom water and its spread in the Southwest Indian Ocean: Part I - CFC-derived translation rate and topographic control around the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Conrad Rise
Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) - a new UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) programme
Remote-sensing evidence for the local generation of internal soliton packets in the central Bay of Biscay
On the problem of the near ocean surface wind speed retrieval by radar altimeter: a two-parameter algorithm
Sedimentary processes, bedforms and facies, associated with a coastal headland: Portland Bill, Southern UK
WOCE and beyond - planning for the final WOCE Conference
Ophiuroid growth within deep-sea sediment traps: a problem for carbon flux measurements at continental margins
Spurious diapycnal mixing of the deep waters in an eddy-permitting global ocean model
Origins of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the hydrothermal vent worms Ridgea piscesae and Protis hydrothermica
The tracer signature of Antarctic bottom water and its spread in the Southwest Indian Ocean: Part II - Dissolution fluxes of dissolved silicate and their impact on its use as a chemical tracer
Rapid turnover of dissolved DMS and DMSP by defined bacterioplankton communities in the stratified euphotic zone of the North Sea
Real-time forecasting of biological and physical dynamics at the Iceland-Faeroes Front in June 2001
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 126, 11 Mar-20 Mar 2001. Piston coring of debris flows and turbidites west and south of the Canary Islands
Reproductive biology of porcellanasterid asteroids from three abyssal sites in the northeast Atlantic with contrasting food input
RV "Seward Johnson II" visits Lophelia reefs
Turbidite depositional architecture across three interconnected deep-water basins on the north-west African margin
Slope failure on the flanks of the western Canary Islands
Why the Mediterranean Sea is becoming saltier
Coupled 3D physical and biological modelling of the mesoscale variability observed in north-east Atlantic in spring 1997: biological processes
An ocean resonance in the southeast Pacific
Development and validation of altimeter wind speed algorithms using an extended collocated buoy/TOPEX dataset
Evolution and biogeography of deep-sea vent and seep invertebrates
Assessing trends in nutrient concentrations in coastal shelf seas: a case study in the Irish Sea
Impact of including dissolved organic matter in a global ocean box model on simulated distributions and fluxes of carbon and nitrogen
Lagrangian motion of particles and tracers on isopycnals
Managing climate science
Directly measured mid-depth circulation in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean
News from the WOCE IPO: last but not least
Foraminifera associated with phytodetritus deposits at a bathyal site in the northern Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic): seasonal contrasts and a comparison of stained and dead assemblages
Modelling the seasonal cycle of the exchange flow in Bab el Mandab (Red Sea)
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