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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Ceratothoa steindachneri (Isopoda, Cymothoidae): an unusual record from the Mediterranean
Deepwater observations of monkfish, Lophius piscatorius, in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean by means of a remotely operated vehicle
Cap Timiris Canyon: a newly discovered channel system offshore of Mauritania
EUROpean Deep Ocean Margins (EuroDOM): a new Training-Through-Research frontier
Stoichiometry and food web dynamics
Hotspot ecosystem research on Europe's deep-ocean margins
Depth related amino acid uptake by Prochlorococcus cyanobacteria in the Southern Atlantic tropical gyre
The role of canyons on strata formation
Hyperammina micaceus sp. nov.: a new foraminferan species (Protista) from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, northeast Atlantic
Sedimentary environment of the Faroe-Shetland and Faroe Bank Channels, north-east Atlantic and the use of bedforms as indicators of bottom current velocity in the deep ocean
Observation, hypothesis-testing, and discovery in oceanography
Overview of recent, ongoing, and future investigations on the dynamics and evolution of European margins
Landslides in the North Atlantic and its adjacent seas: an analysis of their morphology, setting and behaviour
RRS "Charles Darwin" Cruise 145, 12 Mar - 09 Apr 2003. Benthic ecology and biogeochemistry of the Pakistan Margin
Isopycnal averaging at constant height. Part II: relating to the residual streamfunction in eulerian space
Organic biogeochemistry of the Darwin Mounds, a deep-water coral ecosystem, of the NE Atlantic
Introduction to ANDEEP (ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonization history and recent community patterns) a tribute to Howard L. Sanders
The Storegga Slide: architecture, geometry and slide development
RRS "Charles Darwin" Cruise 150, 22 Aug - 15 Sep 2003. Benthic ecology and biogeochemistry of the Pakistan Margin
The dispersion relation for planetary waves in the presence of mean flow and topography. Part I: analytical theory and one-dimensional examples
Air-sea fluxes based on observed annual cycle surface climatology and ocean model internal dynamics: a precise, non-damping zero-phase-lag approach applied to the Mediterranean Sea
‘Live’ (stained) deep-sea benthic foraminiferans in the western Weddell Sea: trends in abundance, diversity and taxonomic composition along a depth transect. (In special issue on ANDEEP (Antarctic benthic DEEP-sea) biodiversity: colonization
Slope failure dynamics and impacts from seafloor and shallow sub-seafloor geophysical data: case studies from the COSTA Project
RRS "Discovery" Cruise 282, 30 Jun - 01 Aug 2003. The environment and ecology of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts, NE Atlantic
Isopycnal averaging at constant height. Part I: the formulation and a case study
A new monothalamous foraminiferan from 1000-6300 m water depth in the Weddell Sea: morphological and molecular characterisation
Bioluminescence of deep-sea coronate medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise CD157, 28 May - 13 June 2004. Sediment transport through the Setubal and Nazare Canyons
The Azores Front since the Last Glacial Maximum
Retrieval of geophysical parameters from RA2 Envisat waveforms using a non-inear MLE retracker
The effects of hydrostatic pressure change on DNA integrity in the hydrothermal-vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus: implications for future deep-sea mutagenicity studies
C and N gross growth efficiencies of copepod egg production studied using a Dynamic Energy Budget model
On detection of a wave age dependency for the sea surface roughness
The macro- and micro-scale patchiness of meiobenthos associated with the Darwin Mounds (north-east Atlantic)
Systematic oceanographic data collected by FerryBox
Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Processes and European Climate (COAPEC): improved understanding of the coupled climate system
Comparison of global climatological maps of sea surface dimethylsulfide
The Atlantic Conveyor Belt
Beds comprising debrite sandwiched within co-genetic turbidite: origin and widespread occurrence in distal depositional environments
Survival guide for a giant carbonate mound
Associations between living benthic foraminifera and dead tests of Syringammina fragilissima (Xenophyophorea) in the Darwin Mounds region (NE Atlantic)
Coexistence of dominant groups in marine bacterioplankton community - a combination of experimental and modelling approaches
Ocean wave period from space: validation using Envisat RA2 data
On the forcing of sea level in the Black Sea
Reproductive ecology of Bouvierella curtirama (Amphipoda: Eusiridae) from chemically distinct vents in the Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
RAIES: Envisat RA2 individual echoes and S-band data for new scientific applications for ocean, coastal, land and ice remote sensing
Case 3309. Rosacea Quoy and Gaimard, 1827: proposed conservation of usage (Cnidaria, Siphonophora); Desmophyes annectens Haeckel, 1888 and Rosacea plicata Bigelow, 1911: proposed conservation
Non-hydrocarbon resources
Water masses and circulation pathways through the Iceland Basin during Vivaldi 1996
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