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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Dynamical budgets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current using ocean general-circulation models
A tracer study of ventilation in the Japan/East Sea
Measuring ocean temperature: what can we learn from Nansen's experience on the "Fram" a century ago?
Uncertainties due to transport-parameter sensitivity in an efficient 3-D ocean-climate model
Long-term changes in reproductive patterns of the holothurian Oneirophanta mutabilis from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain
Recent CLIVAR ocean activities
Biologists do not pose a threat to deep-sea vents
Review of oceanographic equipment and sensors for the detection and measurement of pollutants
A new amphipod species from the Indian Ocean (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Podoprionidae)
Oceanic fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean
Sources of REE in sediment cores from the Rainbow vent site (36,14'N, MAR)
FerryBox celebrates first year of data collection
Observed variability of the South Pacific westward sea level anomaly signal in the presence of bottom topography
RRS Discovery Cruises 277/278, RAPID mooring cruise report, February - March 2004
Freshwater control of onset and species composition of Greenland shelf spring bloom
Metabolic stoichiometry and the fate of excess carbon and nutrients in consumers
RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 94, 01 Dec-15 Dec 2003. Drake Passage repeat hydrography: WOCE Southern Repeat Section 1b - Burdwood Bank to Elephant Island
The oceanic response to carbon emissions over the next century: investigation using three ocean carbon cycle models
Simple foraminifera flourish at the ocean's deepest point
Autosub under ice
Use of spherical and spheroidal models to calculate zooplankton biovolume from particle equivalent spherical diameter as measured by an optical plankton counter
Halocarbon and dimethyl sulphide production around the Mascarene Plateau
Epipelagic mesozooplankton dynamics around the Mascarene Plateau and Basin, Southwest Indian Ocean
Eddy variability east of Madagascar
Seafloor topography and tectonic elements of the Western Indian Ocean
Rotating gravity currents. Part 2: Potential vorticity theory
Physical and biochemical aspects of the flow across the Mascarene Plateau in the Indian Ocean
Parameter estimation in an intermediate complexity earth system model using an ensemble Kalman filter
RRS James Clark Ross, December 18, 2002–January 4, 2003. ACCLAIM: Sea level measurements in the Drake Passage
RRS James Clark Ross, October 27, 2003-November 22, 2003. ACCLAIM: sea level measurements in the Drake Passage and Scotia Sea
5 years of plankton monitoring in Southampton Water and the Solent including FerryBox, Dock Monitor and discrete sample data
Turbulence as a control on the microbial loop in a temperate seasonally stratified marine systems model
Lander techniques for deep-ocean biological research
Do biogenic sulphur compounds in phytodetritus act as cues for deposit-feeder activity? Field experiments and observations on the echiuran worm Maxmuelleria lankesteri
The occurrence and distribution of trimethylamine-N-oxide in Antarctic coastal waters
The role of dimethylsulphoxide in the marine biogeochemical cycle of dimethylsulphide
Respiration strategies utilized by the gill endosymbiont from the host lucinid Codakia orbicularis (Bivalvia: Lucinidae)
Changes in turbulent mixing shift competition for light between phytoplankton species
Closing the heat budget of the SOC climatology through spatially dependent inverse analysis parameter adjustment. COAPEC Project - Balancing the Atlantic Heat and Freshwater Budgets, Report No. 3
Tidally induced turbulence and suspended sediment
The impact of aerosol loading on estimates of the surface shortwave flux in the SOC climatology. COAPEC Project - Balancing the Atlantic Heat and Freshwater Budgets, Report No. 2
Cascades of dense water around the world ocean
Bathymetric evolution of the Mersey Estuary, UK, 1906–1997: causes and effects
Ocean-to-shelf signal transmission: A parameter study
Parameterizing the microbial loop: an experiment in reducing model complexity
Behaviour of Li isotopes during continental weathering: the Bidar laterite profile, India
Trace elements and Li isotope systematics in Zabargad peridotites: evidence of ancient subduction processes in the Red Sea mantle
Lithium Isotope Analyses of Inorganic Constituents from the Murchison Meteorite
Li and Li isotopic composition of hydrothermally altered sediments at Middle Valley, Juan De Fuca
Lithium isotopic systematics of hydrothermal vent fluids at the Main Endeavour Field, Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
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