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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
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Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Deformation and submarine landsliding caused by seamount subduction beneath the Costa Rican margin - new insights from high-resolution sidescan sonar data
A laboratory investigation into the seismic velocities of methane gas hydrate-bearing sand
An overview of the airflow distortion at anemometer sites on ships
Surface freshwater flux variability and recent freshening of the North Atlantic in the eastern subpolar gyre
A factorial analysis of the marine carbon cycle controls on atmospheric CO2
The wave climate of the Aegean Sea: the tidal signal
The spatial and temporal variability of the East Greenland Current from historic data
Crustal structure of the NE Rockall Trough from wide-angle seismic data modeling
Implications for the history of Cenozoic opal deposition from a quantitative model
The effect of ship shape and anemometer location on wind speed measurements obtained from ships
Modeling hybrid energy systems for use in AUVs
Introducing BACCO, an R bundle for Bayesian analysis of computer code output
Spatially complex distribution of dissolved manganese in a fjord as revealed by high-resolution in situ sensing using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Autosub
Long term water masses: time scales
Temperature affects respiration rate of Oithona similis
Water mass transformation in the North Atlantic over 1985-2002 simulated in an eddy-permitting model
Ocean bottom seismometer investigations in the Ormen Lange area offshore mid-Norway provide evidence for shallow gas layers in subsurface sediments
Iron (II) distribution and oxidation kinetics in hydrothermal plumes at the Kairei and Edmond vent sites, Indian Ocean
A preoperational scheme for calculating sea surface height by Bernoulli inverse of Argo float data in the North Atlantic
Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic
Molecular phylogenetics of the Siphonophora (Cnidaria), with implications for the evolution of functional specialization
A review of the uses of work-class ROVs for the benefits of science: lessons learned from the SERPENT project
Report of the 1st Indian Ocean Panel and the 6th Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel Joint Meeting (Pune, India, 18-20 February 2004)
Glacial to interglacial changes in the settling depth of the Mediterranean Outflow plume
The monothalamous foraminiferan Tinogullmia in the Black Sea
A report on the Red Funnel FerryBox 2004 - an overview of the data obtained, improvements and calibration procedures
Letter. Slowing of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 25° N
Threshold elemental ratios for carbon versus phosphorus limitation in Daphnia
The effects of disseminated methane hydrate on the dynamic stiffness and damping of a sand
Multi-year satellite observations of instability waves in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
TARDis: From project to embedded Institutional Repository
Sustainable exploitation of Europe's deep ocean margin
Letter. Diatom carbon export enhanced by silicate upwelling in the northeast Atlantic
Monothalamous foraminiferans and gromiids (Protista) from western Svalbard: a preliminary survey
Theory of two-layer hydraulic exchange flows with rotation
Extreme spatial variability in marine picoplankton and its consequences for interpreting Eulerian time-series
The seabed appearance of different coral bank provinces in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: results from sidescan sonar and ROV seabed mapping
Absurd silence and misplaced pragmatism: how dissent is kept to manageable levels
Imaging bed geometry and architecture of massive sandstones in the Fontanelice Channels, Italian Apennines, using new digiscoping techniques
The kaleidoscope ocean
Mediterranean sea level trends: atmospheric pressure and wind contribution
Seabed photography from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Decadal changes in ocean properties revealed by ARGO floats
The OCCAM 66 level model: model description, physics, initial conditions and external forcing
The dispersion relation for planetary waves in the presence of mean flow and topography. Part II: two-dimensional examples and global results
Mixing two enriched and distinct mantle sources beneath Lucky Strike segment, 37N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (abstract of paper presented at 15th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, Idaho, , May 2005)
RRS "Discovery" Cruise D297, 27 Jul - 16 Aug 2005. The geobiology of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, Portuguese Continental Margin
What determines the likelihood of species discovery in marine holozooplankton: is size, range or depth important?
Repositories for research - contributing to the Knowledge Cycle.
Thermohaline circulation hysteresis: a model intercomparison
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