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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Undersea gliders
The use of computational fluid dynamics to determine the dynamic stability of an autonomous underwater vehicle
Autonomous underwater vehicle operations: needs of new users
A model analysis of the behavior of the Mediterranean Water in the North Atlantic
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 123C3-4, 19 Jul - 15 Sep 2000. Atlantic Margin Environmental Surveys and North Sea Environmental Surveys
Submarine spreading: dynamics and development
Realizing Envisat's potential for rain cloud studies
Effects of annual changes in primary productivity and ocean indices on the breeding performance of tropical roseate terns in the western Indian Ocean
The use of computational fluid dynamics to assess the hull resistance of concept autonomous underwater vehicles
Sex with the lights on? A review of bioluminescent sexual dimorphism in the sea (review article)
Fractal statistics of the Storegga Slide
The Crozet natural iron bloom and export experiment (CROZEX)
A concept design for an ultra-long-range survey class AUV
The long-term legacy of fossil fuels
Deep western boundary current dynamics and associated sedimentation on the Eirik Drift, southern Greenland margin
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of estuarine circulation with an application to Southampton Water, UK
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 119C Leg B, 13 Aug - 14 Sep 1999. White Zone (WhiZ) environmental survey: seabed survey of the deep waters to the north and west of Shetland
Angola Block 18WAD and Block 31 pre-operational environmental survey, October 2005: analysis of seabed images taken using WASP (Wide-Angle Seabed Photography)
Tracking North Atlantic climate
Political/economic drivers: potential for AUV technologies in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Temporal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5°N
On the performance of three deep-diving underwater gliders
Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. System description and inventory for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007
Launch and recovery of autonomous underwater vehicles in Polar regions
Letter. The significance of nitrification for oceanic new production
SV Kommandor Jack cruise Leg 2, 26 Jul-21 Aug 2002. DTI ‘Northern Triangle’ Environmental Survey: seabed survey of the deep waters to the north of Shetland
Slope failures of the flanks of the southern Cape Verde Islands
Envisat - taking the measure of North Atlantic storms
Collected reports of commercial deep-water surveys carried out north and west of Shetland during RRS Charles Darwin cruise 123C3-4
Repeated instability of the NW African margin related to buried landslide scarps
RRS James Cook Cruise JC009T, 01 May - 11 May 2007. Trials of the Isis Remotely Operated Vehicle
Morphology and mechanics of submarine spreading: a case study from the Storegga Slide
SotonAUV: University of Southampton entry into the 2007 student autonomous underwater challenge - Europe
A space-time model for joint modeling of ocean temperature and salinity levels as measured by Argo Floats
Libraries supporting e-Science : combining cultures
Seabed environmental survey of Angola Blocks 18WAD and 31: analysis of seabed samples
Oxygen as a control on seafloor biological communities and their roles in sedimentary carbon cycling
MV Franklin Cruise 0206, 03-23 Aug 2006. Habitat investigations within the SEA4 and SEA7 areas of the UK continental shelf
Iron profiles and speciation of the upper water column at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site: a model based sensitivity study
MV Ocean Endeavour cruise 13 Oct-06 Nov 2005. Seabed environmental survey of Angola Blocks 18 and 31
Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Maintenance and underway sampling protocols and safety information for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007
Mesoscale iron enrichment experiments 1993-2005: synthesis and future directions
Planetary wave response to surface forcing and to instability in the presence of mean flow and topography
Climate scenarios and decision making under uncertainty
The retroflection of part of the East Greenland Current at Cape Farewell
An intercomparison of global oceanic precipitation climatologies
GOCE user toolbox specifications (GUTS): system specification and architectural design
Metadata from WMO Publication No. 47 and an Assessment of Voluntary Observing Ship Observation Heights in ICOADS
Impact on the ocean of extreme Greenland Sea heat loss in the HadCM3 coupled ocean atmosphere model
A multivariate variance matrix for use with emulators
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