Magmatism, serpentinization and life: insights through drilling the Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357)

Früh-Green, Gretchen L.; Orcutt, Beth N.; Rouméjon, Stéphane; Lilley, Marvin D.; Morono, Yuki; Cotterill, Carol; Green, Sophie; Escartin, Javier; John, Barbara E.; McCaig, Andrew M.; Cannat, Mathilde; Ménez, Bénédicte; Schwarzenbach, Esther M.; Williams, Morgan J.; Morgan, Sally; Lang, Susan Q.; Schrenk, Matthew O.; Brazelton, William J.; Akizawa, Norikatsu; Boschi, Chiara; Dunkel, Kristina G.; Quéméneur, Marianne; Whattam, Scott A.; Mayhew, Lisa; Harris, Michelle; Bayrakci, Gaye; Behrmann, Jan-Hinrich; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio; Hesse, Kirsten; Liu, Hai-Quan; Ratnayake, Amila Sandaruwan; Twing, Katrina; Weis, Dominique; Zhao, Rui; Bilenker, Laura. 2018 Magmatism, serpentinization and life: insights through drilling the Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357). Lithos, 323. 137-155.

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NOC authors