Copepods Boost the Production but Reduce the Carbon Export Efficiency by Diatoms

Moriceau, Brivaëla; Iversen, Morten H.; Gallinari, Morgane; Evertsen, Antti-Jussi O.; Le Goff, Manon; Beker, Beatriz; Boutorh, Julia; Corvaisier, Rudolph; Coffineau, Nathalie; Donval, Anne; Giering, Sarah L. C.; Koski, Marja; Lambert, Christophe; Lampitt, Richard S.; Le Mercier, Alain; Masson, Annick; Stibor, Herwig; Stockenreiter, Maria; De La Rocha, Christina L. 2018 Copepods Boost the Production but Reduce the Carbon Export Efficiency by Diatoms. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5.

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Frontiers in Marine Science
NOC authors