The Influence of Subtle Gradient Changes on Deep-Water Gravity Flows: A Case Study From the Moroccan Turbidite System

Wynn, Russell B.; Talling, Peter J.; Masson, Douglas G.; Le Bas, Tim P.; Cronin, Bryan T.; Stevenson, Christopher J. 2012 The Influence of Subtle Gradient Changes on Deep-Water Gravity Flows: A Case Study From the Moroccan Turbidite System. In: Prather, Bradford E.; Deptuck, Mark E.; Mohrig, David; Van Hoorn, Berend; Wynn, Russell B., (eds.) Application of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-Slope and Base-of-Slope Systems: Case Studies from Seafloor and Near-Seafloor Analogues. Tulsa, OK, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 371-383. (SEPM Special Publication, 99).

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