The primary scientific objectives of SEASTAR are:
- to measure, for the first time, two-dimensional fields of total surface current and wind vectors at 1 km resolution, with high accuracy, over all coastal seas, shelf seas and MIZs, to characterise their magnitude, spatial characteristics, regional extent, and temporal variability on daily, seasonal to multi-annual time scales
- to deliver, for the first time, accurate high-order derivative products (e.g. vorticity, strain, divergence) to explore the relations between ocean sub-mesoscale/mesoscale circulation, air-sea fluxes and vertical exchanges
- to investigate the relations between small-scale dynamics, air-sea interactions, vertical processes and marine productivity using synergy with high-resolution satellite data from optical, thermal and microwave sensors
- to validate high-resolution and coupled models and support the development of new parameterisations to improve operational forecasts and reduce uncertainties in climate projections.