The overarching objective of the UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Feedback Programme is to deliver improved GHG inventories and predictions for the UK, and for the globe at a regional scale. We are addressing this objective by developing a comprehensive, multi-year and interlinked measurement and data analysis programme, focussing on the major GHGs carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The Programme integrates three UK research consortia with complementary objectives:
- GAUGE will produce robust estimates of the UK GHG budget, using new and existing measurement networks and modelling activities at a range of scales. For more details, see GAUGE (Greenhouse gAs Uk and Global Emissions).
- RAGNARoCC is an oceanographic project to investigate the air-sea fluxes of GHGs in the North Atlantic region, see RAGNARoCC (Radiatively active gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change) for details.
- GREENHOUSE uses extensive existing UK field data and targeted new measurements to build regional GHG inventories and improve the capabilities of land surface models.
As part of this programme, two summer schools for postdoctoral students / early career researchers were held at the University of Edinburgh in 2017, and the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton in 2016. A further summer school was held in 2017 at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton as part of a NERC Advanced Short Training Course, ‘Multidisciplinary training in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, oceans and terrestrial biosphere summer school’ (NE/P020615/1). The web resources collated here hope to capture the content that was shared with students during these events.