Posted: 28 June 2023

The United Kingdom Coastal Research Conference will showcase and celebrate the coastal research being undertaken within the UK. Principally focused on UK academics, organisations and institutions working on UK coastal science, the conference also welcomes research using overseas case studies that are of relevance to the UK. The conference will highlight the current state of knowledge and the research that is being undertaken to address coastal issues. 

Central themes:

  • Coastal processes in the UK – focused on process-based research of coastal systems.
  • Innovation in coastal research – developments in the field of techniques, methodology, instrumentation and sensors to capture and analyse coastal data.
  • Coastal data access and applications – presentation of UK coastal datasets and projects, e.g. sources beyond the National Monitoring Programme to promote collaboration and wider access.
  • Applied research and FCERM (flood and coastal erosion risk management) – application of science in active coastal management projects and partnerships.

Organisers envisage the conference to start a wider conversation about national coastal research strategies and coastal knowledge gaps to inform researchers, practitioners and end-users to help promote sustainable management of our coast. 

NOC representation at the conference


  • Dr Laurent Amoudry - Integrating across environmental sciences to increase understanding of how weather-related multi-hazards control coastal flooding and erosion: the CHAMFER project.
  • Dr Ian Dougal Lichtman - Towards validation of SWOT and new coastal altimetry algorithms: An altimetry and water level gauge case study in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary (SWOT UK & HYDROCOASTAL project
  • Clive Neil - Satellite-enabled temporal water line mapping: a novel method for monitoring large-scale intertidal dynamics 
  • Dr Xiaoyan Wei  - Impact of intertidal wetlands on extreme water levels in the Thames estuary  


Dr Lucy Bricheno - Subsea cable resilience to climate and wave threats 

Hot plots: 

Dr Jenny Brown - Why does wave overtopping occur more often on the ebb tide in Dawlish? (CreamT project

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