Posted: 5 September 2023

Ocean health and maritime shipping are interconnected topics with significant implications for the environment and global trade. Preserving and restoring ocean health requires global efforts and multilateral collaboration. Driving the use of innovative ocean technology is essential in responding to climate change.

In this Brunch 'n’ Learn event, WEST P&I and the NOC, present “Boaty McBoatface” the robotic autonomous underwater vehicle and explain how automated ocean exploration and edge-cutting technologies help us to analyse the state of health of the oceans and provide solutions to the global climate challenges we face.

Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in investment in ocean science that has been driven by the need to meet global climate challenges, improve data quality, and add new capabilities. A continuous underwater monitoring presence is an active area of research, and recent work is focused on extending autonomous operations from weeks to months to years.

This fireside chat, with Huw Gullick, Associate Director, NOC Innovations, will provide insight to the solution needed to keep our oceans healthy and will explore how mutual partnerships within the shipping industry are key to the future of ocean exploration and a thriving blue economy.

By developing a net-zero oceanographic infrastructure we can unlock a range of options to preserve our ecosystem, create a new foundation for the scientific community and inspire the next generation to build a road to a sustainable world.

Please visit West P&I event to book your place.


As one of our generous partners, West P&I fund a 10 year bursary at the National Oceanography Centre to enable students and early career scientists to access exclusive learning experiences. Find out more about the programme at NOC and West P&I celebrate successful first year of international bursary programme | National Oceanography Centre