Dr Fatma Jebri

Photograph of Dr Fatma Jebri
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
fatma.jebri at noc.ac.uk

Research Interests:

I am a biophysical oceanographer with a background in satellite and physical oceanography. My research focuses on linking ocean physical and biological processes and addressing societal challenges such as climate change impacts on marine environment; combing observations and models and different tools, including Machine Learning. My research case studies are in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. I am also experienced in capacity building at an international level.

Visiting Fellow position:

  • Visiting scholar to the Alan Turing Institute as part of the Turing Research and Innovation Cluster in Digital Twins programme.

PhD Students:

  • William Luty (2023-present): Impact of oceanic mesoscale eddies on the productivity of the western Bay of Bengal: contribution of new Earth Observation data and Machine Learning
  • Sunny Joshi (2023-present): Bayesian Meta-Learning for Earth Observation: Better Models with Less Data

MSc Students:

  • Karl Kay (2021-22): La Niña impacts on chlorophyll-a variations in coastal East Africa
  • Timea Faber (2020-21): Productivity controls at the Somali coast during the northeast monsoon


  • Member of the IOC-UNESCO Group of Experts on Capacity Building (GoE CD) (2022-present).
  • Member of “Ocean Science in Action” MOOC international mentoring team (2020-21).


AtlantiS (Co-I) - Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science

MEZCAL (Co-I) - Methods for Extending the horiZontal Coverage of the Amoc Latitudinally and retrospectively

FOCUS - Future states Of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions

TerraFIRMA - Future Impacts, Risks and Mitigation Actions in a changing Earth system

COMFORT  - Common Future ocean in the Earth System - Quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points 

SOLSTICE - Sustainable Oceans, Livelihoods and food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem research in the Western Indian Ocean