Dr Benjamin Barton

Photograph of Dr Benjamin Barton
Marine Systems Modelling
benbar at noc.ac.uk

I am interested in shelf seas processes, numerical modelling and freshwater sources.

2019 - present: Post-doc at National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK

2016 - 2019: PhD at University of Brest, France in collaboration with Bangor University, UK

2013 - 2016: Ocean Scientist, Knowtra Limited, Bangor, UK

2009 - 2013: MSci Oceanography at University of Southampton, UK

Orcid ID: orcid.org/0000-0001-9998-2064

Google Scholar: Dr. Benjamin I. Barton

I've been involved with:

Scottish Shelf Water - Reanalysis Service SSW-RS

Connectivity of Hard Substrate Assemblages in the North Sea CHASANS

Encore the National Capability ORchestra Extension ENCORE