The Graduate School of the National Oceanography Centre (GSNOCS) recruits approximately 40 new students per year. Over half of these are funded by research council sources (mostly through various Natural Environmental Research Council awards). Studentships are also funded by the University of Southampton, the European Union, industry, national scholarships and other sources.
INSPIRE is a NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) offering fully-funded studentships, open to students from all countries.
Fully-funded studentships are also available via CDTs (Centres for Doctoral Training) (more details to be announced soon), open to students from all countries.
The University of Southampton supports (in conjunction with other funders) additional fully-funded studentships.
CASE Awards
These are associated with some projects carried out in collaboration with a non-academic partner. Students get a top-up to their research training support grant (RTSG) of £1,000 or £2,000 pa.
International applicants
On 1 January 2024, the United Kingdom will become an associated country to Horizon Europe. In recognition of the UK rejoining the EU’s research community, the University of Southampton has decided to waive international fees for students from EU-Horizon countries. Southampton are one of only a few UK universities offering this. We (GSNOCS) very much welcome applications from EU and overseas students.
Non-UK/EU overseas students comprise over 25% of GSNOCS entry and are funded via a wide variety of international sources.
Ocean and Earth Science International scholarships
There are a limited number of international student scholarships, awarded by GSNOCS, available for highly qualified non-UK/EU applicants to help cover the cost of overseas student fees. Applicants must identify the project(s) in which they are interested and are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant supervisors directly prior to making a formal application.