Our aim at NOC is to build a world where everyone feels empowered and inspired to help our oceans thrive
As we grow into the role of an independent research organisation, we have evolved our brand to tell a more compelling, differentiating story with clarity of purpose and a distinctive look that takes inspiration from the ocean to enthuse, engage and enrol.
Be part of the community shaping our ocean’s future
Get involvedInto the Blue Podcast
Into the Blue, a new podcast produced by the National Oceanography Centre, will dive deeper into a variety of hot topics relating to oceanography with a diverse selection of scientists who are all helping to enhance our knowledge of the ocean.
Watch or listen to the podcastsNOC Annual Report and Finances
In our latest Annual Report and Financial Statements, we share the great success stories as the UK’s leading marine research charity, building a world where everyone feels empowered and inspired to help the Ocean thrive.
Read the NOC Annual Report and Finances (pdf)The NOC provides Facilities to the UK Marine Research Community
Advances in ocean science depend on measurements in the ocean. Satellite observations provide data for the surface layer of the ocean. To penetrate beyond the surface, scientists rely on in situ physical measurements from a range of platforms, including research ships, ocean observatories, moorings, and autonomous underwater and surface vehicles.
More about FacilitiesWorld-leading innovative Science and Technology underpinning the Ocean Economy
The National Oceanography Centre is in a unique position of having world-leading multi-disciplinary scientific and technical expertise which can help unlock the economic and societal potential of the ocean across a range of industry sectors.
Working with BusinessIn the Spotlight
Marine Geohazards
Underwater phenomena including: landslides, volcanic eruptions, turbidity currents and tsunamis; these represent a threat to humans and the environment.
RRS Discovery Virtual Tour
Explore one of the world’s most advanced research vessels from bridge to engine room.
Aims to establish a Global Coastal Ocean Model Intercomparison Programme that will provide climate change impacts and hazard assessments to future IPCC reports.
Online Learning
A free Ocean Science in Action educational video course.
See all NewsLatest Publications
See all Publications-
Investigating appropriate artificial intelligence approaches to reliably predict coastal wave overtopping and identify…
NERC Environmental Data Services : API 4 AI project kickoff workshop report
Gathering users and developers to shape together the next-generation ocean reanalyses
Unveiling the contribution of particle-associated non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs to N2 fixation in the upper mesopelagic…