Fixed-point Open Ocean Observatory (FixO3)

Free trials for new marine technology

Surface buoy

Small to medium sized enterprises and marine technology research institutions can now apply for access to ocean observatories for research, or to test their new product prototypes in the open sea, at no cost.

Apply now for exceptional research opportunity

PAP site Met Office buoy (image: Jon Campbell)

All scientists and developers of marine technology who would like to carry out research or trial new or existing prototypes at open ocean observatories, with full financial and logistical support, must act fast in order to apply for this extraordinary opportunity.

Prestigious science network offers free trials for new marine technology

A moored data buoy (courtesy of Jon Campbell)

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and institutions involved in developing offshore and subsea technology are urged to prepare now for the opportunity of testing their new product prototypes or use existing ones in the open sea, at no cost.
