natural hazards

The challenges of tsunami risk assessment

Dr James Hunt looking at tsunami deposits in a core held in BOSCORF

At a global scale, tsunamis are relatively infrequent when compared with hurricanes or storm surges, but they are among our most destructive and deadly natural disasters, and their impact will become greater as human populations continue to rise substantially in coastal cities.

Smart boulders measure fast and powerful seafloor avalanches

The heavy frame (800 kg) that was moved by the flow, copyright 2017 to MBARI

Robotic sensors disguised as boulders, or ‘smart boulders’, have been used to measure the initiation and evolution of huge seafloor avalanches for the first time, revealing some surprising findings that will help inform where best to lay the seafloor cables that keep the internet running.

The planet’s largest landslides happen on submarine volcanoes

Large volume submarine landslides, triggered by the inception and growth of submarine volcanoes, represent among the largest mass movements of sediment on Earth’s surface.

Future changes in global tides will change flood risk and tidal energy decisions

The first comprehensive study of the impact of global sea-level rise on tides has implications for future coastal flood risk, harbour management, and the long term planning of tidal energy sites.
