
NOC partners with Beyondly to further blue carbon research

Seagrass meadow

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is thrilled to announce a new partnership with environmental consultancy Beyondly (formerly Comply Direct) to further ocean carbon research in the UK.

Scientist Spotlight – Meet Biogeochemist Dr Claire Evans

Dr Claire Evans conducting fieldwork

Seagrass meadows are the powerhouses of coastal seas, providing a nature-based solution to climate change.

They have been neglected for decades, which has led to their large-scale degradation and loss. This loss now provides an opportunity for environmental renewal through large-scale restoration.

Scientists to study marine carbon storage around the Isle of Man

A study is underway on the Isle of Man to investigate, for the first time, the Island’s marine and coastal role in storing carbon to help mitigate climate change.

Scientists aim to reverse the trend of seagrass degradation

Seagrass image

The UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is working alongside eleven principal scientists, political bodies and NGOs concerned with seagrass management, on the current Recovery of Seagrass for Ocean Wealth UK project (ReSOW UK).