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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Evaluation on Cruise CD 62A of a Magnavox MX 4200 GPS receiver and KVH fluxgate compass to provide ship speed and headind
Routine spectral wave data acquisition on OWS Cumulus
Project SOFIA - IOS Cruise Report
GPS and ship head recording system: installation and operators guide
Extensive slope currents and the ocean-shelf boundary
H.F. radar surface current measurements in the Dover Strait, June 1990 - July 1991
Current profile and sea-bed pressure and temperature records. May 1990 - July 1991. Dover Strait
CTD and XBT data collected on ERS-1 validation cruise RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62A, Iceland-Faeroes region
SeaSoar CTD, fluorescence and scalar irradiance data from RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58/59
SeaSoar and CTD sections across the Iceland-Faeroes Front and Faeroe Shetland Channel, August 1990
Chemical tracer studies at IOSDL - 3. The measurement of silicate, nitrate and phosphate in seawater
CTD oxygen, tracer and nutrient data from RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58/59 in the NE Atlantic as part of Vivaldi '91
Shipboard ADCP observations during RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 51
Shipboard ADCP observations during RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62A, 06 September - 28 September 1991. ERS-1 calibration and validation in the region of the Iceland-Faeroes Front
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62, 01 August - 04 September 1991. CONVEX-WOCE Control Volume AR12
RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 74B, 1-10 February 1991. Wave and current dissipation and sand transport in the Bristol Channel
RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 84, 5-20 September 1991. Current profiles, northern North Sea
A user's guide to the MultiMet Sensor Management and Calibration Facility
Physical oceanography of the North Sea
The depth-averaged residual circulation on the North West European Shelf, August 1988 to October 1989
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site C - 54°20'N 00°24'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project
An inventory of data collected during the NERC's North Sea Community Research Project, 1987-1992
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site D - 53°30'N 03°00'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project
A unified framework for water quality modelling in shallow seas
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site A - 55°30'N 00°54'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project
Ships Observing Marine Climate: a catalogue of the VOS participating in the VSOP-NA
The Accuracy of ship's meteorological observations: results of the VSOP-NA
SeaSoar data from the western equatorial Pacific Ocean, collected on RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 34A, September 1988
Evaluation of a Solent Sonic Anemometer on RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 43
CTD data from the north east Atlantic, April 1989, collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 181
Marine geophysical data acquired 1987-1991: database summary
SeaSoar data from the north east Atlantic collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 189, April 1990
Moored current measurements made in the Iceland Faeroes region during July-August 1990
CTDO and nutrient data from Charles Darwin Cruise 50 in the Iceland Faeroes region
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data from the western equatorial Pacific Ocean, collected on RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 34A, September 1988
CTDO station data from the north east Atlantic from RRS Discovery Cruise 189
SeaSoar data from the north east Atlantic, April 1989, collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 181
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 55, 06 January - 05 February 1991. Geophysical investigations of the Ghana transform continental margin, Gulf of Guinea
RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58 & 59, 25 Apr - 16 May; 18 May - 10 Jun 1991. VIVALDI '91
RRS Discovery Cruise 189, 09 March - 08 April 1990. Circulation and structure of the Bay of Biscay and north east Atlantic out to 20W and 41N
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 50, 29 June - 22 July 1990. Oceanography of the Iceland Basin: the fate of Iceland Scotland overflow water
MV Farnella Cruise 6/90, 19 June - 13 July 1990. TOBI surveys of Monterey Fan
RRS Discovery Cruise 187, 20 October - 20 November 1989. Geological and geochemical investigations in the Tagus, Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 43, 20 October - 22 November 1989. Air sea interaction and oceanography off the Faeroes
RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 72a/90, 20 September - 2 October 1990. North Sea Survey and mooring dynamics
RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 66/90 Leg 1, 20-31 May, 1990. North Sea Survey
Current meter records. Site E - 52°43'N 02°25'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project
Current meter records. Site B - 55°30'N 05°31'E. August 1988 - September 1989, North Sea Project
Current meter records. Site F - 52°37'N 03°46'E. August 1988 - September 1989, North Sea Project
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